Le microbiote intestinal fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques ces dernières années. © merklicht.de, Adobe Stock

This combination modifies the microbiota

The most common additive, E415, acts as a thickener, which can be digested by certain bacteria in our microbiota. The health effects are not yet known at this time.

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[EN VIDÉO] Intestinal microbiota is an invaluable companion to our health
In the body, there are various microorganisms: skin, mouth, genitals but most importantly the intestinal microbiota. Scientists have long known about its potential, but the development of new techniques deepens research to describe the nature of host-microbiota interactions, the nature of microorganisms between them, and their impact on health.

Sandalwood gum, or E415, is an additive found in many industrial foods, in which it acts as a thickener. It is a long chain of four sugars: glucose, ManosI ‘Acid Glucuronic andPyruvic acid. It is considered dangerous to health as it is not metabolized by the human body. However, Recent study published in Natural microbiology Chandan gum is said to have an effect, not on our cells, but Bacteria Of our gut microbiota. This combination exists only in the so-called Western cuisine – where ultra-processed foods have occupied an important place – for about fifty years. In the blink of an eye, more intestinal bacteria have evolved based on evolution Enzymes Sandalwood glue can be broken down and digested.

A compound digested by intestinal bacteria

One Bacteria Belonged to the family in question Ruminococci. Its “santanobage” activity came to light during a series of experiments on human samples by two researchers from the University of Michigan in the United States. Laboratory mouse Then bioinformatics analysis. Sandalwood gum digestible bacteria have been isolated from the intestinal microbiota of surprisingly large numbers in industrialized countries. », Sabina Leandi La Rosa, one of the researchers involved in the project, explains.

The second bacterium Bacteroids Intestine, The compound was digested and isolated from a sample. The latter can digest the remnants of sandalwood glue after the first bacteria have attacked Molecule Throughout. Will this affect our health? It seems too late to say that. According to Sabina Leandi La Rosa: Based on this study, we can not conclude how sandalwood gum affects our health. But we can say that this combination affects the intestinal microbiota of individuals who consume it through food.

Recognized for a long time, Chandan Gum was reassessedEuropean Food Safety Commission (EFSAIn 2017. The article ends Sandalwood gum is not dangerous to health, although it can have laxative effects on some people. It was already mentioned at the time that it was an admission. ” It can ferment somewhat as it goes through Of the colon By the action of intestinal microorganisms “A study conducted at the University of Michigan confirms this. It is not the first admission suspected to replace the E415. Intestinal flora ; E171 And E466 May cause inflammatory problems in the intestines.

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