La Voie lactée s’est formée au fil de nombreuses collisions avec d’autres galaxies plus petites. Une équipe internationale ajoute aujourd’hui une sixième de ces collisions à la liste déjà connue. Elle se serait produite il y a entre 8 et 10 milliards d’années. Ici, une image d'illustration. © ordus, Adobe Stock

Remains of a Milky Way galaxy discovered by astronomers

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[EN VIDÉO] In the video: The collision of the Milky Way with the Andromeda galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Milky Way are approaching each other. Find out in the video what will happen in the next billion years and what the collision of these two giant galaxies will look like.

The Milky Way Formed about 12 billion years ago. Since then, just like any other galaxyThe universeShe grew up Mass And size, thanks to so many conflicts. Over time, it attracted small clusters or clusters of stars that were actually absorbed. Combining in its ranks, these foreign stars. And to understand how galaxies form, Astronomers Want to know more about these conflicts.

They tirelessly search for traces left over from the Milky Way by these events Merging. In the data provided கையா பணி, For example. Because it aims to measure position, distance and accuracy Movement Milky Way stars. This is how a International team Was able to draw a little more clearlyTree Our heritage Galaxy.

Everything is played Milky Way halo. An area that extends beyond the core of our galaxy. Here you can find what astronomers call stellar currents. They are formed from stars of small galaxies that collide relatively slowly with the Milky Way. When the conflict is so fierce, the stars – but Spherical clusters In particular – small galaxies scattered randomly in our halo.

Five conflicts … and at least one

Astronomers this time studied about 170 globular clusters, 41 star currents and 46 satellite galaxies in the Milky Way. By analyzing their paths and all the dynamic data using ultra-powerful algorithms, they show that 25% of them come in six large groups. Six large groups, each associated with a past conflict.

Most of the identified galaxies are already known to researchers. But this work makes it possible to specify the parent galaxies of different globular clusters, star currents, or satellite galaxies. Thus causing a shortage of current Metals C-19, Sylgr and Phoenix Coming from the merger with the LMS-1 / Wukong galaxy. What is considered to be a galaxy that formed very early After the Big Bang.

This collision with LMS-1 / Wukong, like the constellations Cetus, Gaia-Sausage / Enceladus or Arjuna / Sequoia / I’itoi, was already known to astronomers to have occurred eight to ten billion years ago. Conflict with Sagittarius – already identified in the past – seems very recent. It may be 5 to 6 billion years old “Only”. Because she is so “Active”.

The sixth hitherto unknown conflict also appeared there Eyes Researchers. They named it Pontus – that is “Marry” – As one of the first children கையா – Greek deity of the earth. This event must have occurred about 8 to 10 billion years ago. Rumors of a seventh connection may still be hidden in the data …

Galaxy: The Milky Way galaxy reveals a big surprise

Use the Milky Way galactic clusters as indicators of its history and evolution. Astronomers dreamed of it. They have now finally been able to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle to reveal the family tree of our galaxy. Thanks for contributingArtificial intelligence.

Article of Natalie Mayor Released on 16/11/2020

In the vastness of the universe, the Conflicts between galaxies, No matter how violent they are, they are not uncommon. Even these collisions are believed to have shaped the face of the galaxies we observe today. For the first time, Researchers at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), among others, have succeeded in reconstructing the history of Milky Way conflicts.

To establish the family tree of our galaxy, astronomers relied on two tools: globular clusters and artificial intelligence. The Milky WayProvides, in fact, more than 150 known globular clusters, dense clusters of hundreds of thousands of stars as old as the universe. Most form in small galaxies, which together form ours. But only the most recent observations and sophisticated models have made it possible to discover the thread of history.

Researchers have introduced simulations to link the Milky Way’s globular clusters with their native galaxies – E-MOSAICS. What is the reconstruction of the family tree of our galaxy? Here, a simulation showing the formation of a galaxy-like galaxy. Globular clusters are marked by colored dots indicating their composition. Over time, the central galaxy’s association with smaller satellite galaxies brings with it a greater number of globular clusters. The age, chemical composition, and orbit of these clusters reveal the masses of the parent galaxy from which they formed, but even when this galaxy merged with the central galaxy. © J. Pfeiffer, d. Grousen, r. Crane, n. Bastian, University of Heidelberg

The simulations played by the researchers – what they call E-mosaics – cover a comprehensive model of creation, evolution and destruction. Spherical clusters. The age, chemical composition, and orbital motion of these clusters are closely related to those of the galaxies that formed about 10 billion years ago. Determine not only the number of stars that formed these galaxies, but also when they collided with the Milky Way.

Surprisingly accurate simulations

This is to control the problem of the process by which astronomers used artificial intelligence. “We created one Artificial nerve network In our simulations. We have tested the algorithm thousands of times, and were amazed at how accurately we can reconstruct the history of galaxies simulated from its global cluster population.Comments Diederick Kruijssen, researcher, in a Press release from the University of Heidelberg.

Applying to the Milky Way, this method sheds light on the history of the connections that made up our galaxy. Thus the Milky Way would have submerged approximately five galaxies with more than 100 million stars and about fifteen galaxies in at least 10 million stars. The largest conflicts that occurred 6 to 11 billion years ago. Like the collision of the Gaia-Enceladus galaxy about 9 billion years ago.

11 billion years ago, the most important conflict.

This method revealed a previously unknown collision between the Milky Way and the galaxy Gragan. “Our galaxy is the largest collision ever seen. ⁇ This would have happened 11 billion years ago. The Milky Way was four times smaller then.

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