As far as we know, what we have been saying to each other in recent years is that Mars was once a planet like us, full of clear lakes and oceans, resulting in lush terrain. Yet there is a problem with this view of the red planet: it is so cold that the water on the surface is too cold to be liquid. so what?
University of Chicago geophysicist Edwin Guide has strangely reconstructed the history of the Red Planet. According to him and his team, the clouds have warmed the planet enough to support the splash of liquid water on the surface.
On Earth, fewer clouds cool the Earth’s surface, while more clouds heat the planet. The same goes for Mars, the clouds could have been more uniform and given the greenhouse effect. By simulating this new situation, Kite and his team created a global climate model of Mars.
“Our samples produced hot, dry climates, but only if the spatial distribution of surface water was very uneven,” Guide explains.
To put it more simply, the water of Mars is distributed over lakes and ponds, not over large oceans like ours.
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