Science and Technology Council presents strategic plan - Diario do Sudost

Science and Technology Council presents strategic plan – Diario do Sudost

This afternoon (13) the leaders of the City Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of Podo Franco presented the strategic plan developed for the sector for the next three years.

The project was presented at a meeting held at Sebrae / PR headquarters, and was attended by representatives of the companies forming the Council and companies from the Department of Technology and local government.

According to Giles Palbinotti, municipal secretary of science, technology and innovation, and chairman of the council, the project was drawn up from a series. Workshops In addition to the experts in the secretariat, the team includes representatives from the companies that make up it. The Council is made up of a number of organizations that create innovative ecosystems such as IRDES, FIEP System and ACCEP, as well as universities and university centers in Bodo Franco, Center for Technology and Innovation (NTI), Zebra, IDR-Parana. .

According to the secretary, the aim was to define four work bases and strategies by 2024 to improve and strengthen the sector in Pato Franco. The project also considered requests identified by the municipality and the department in the region.

“This is a very prosperous moment, we were able to discuss with the various propellers that make up our ecosystem, including the demands of education, higher education institutions, and the municipality, and we were ready to contribute to the continued evolution of our city and our region,” he said at the Pato Franco University Center on the process that led to the project ( UNITEP) Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Extension, Innovation and Internationalization Mariel Sandalovsky Santos commented.


The four bases defined by the project are human capital, technological infrastructure, local innovation environment and the legal environment. With regard to human capital, the goal is to acquire competent skills to meet the needs of the local ecosystem.

The strategy is to map out current and future capabilities, integrating the work of higher education institutions, companies and organizations that require technicians.

In terms of the legal environment, the objectives are to approve the Municipal Innovation Act, along with the municipal science, technology and innovation fund, and to manage the strategic planning of the municipal council.

To this end, political and institutional expressions will be carried out in conjunction with the legislature, through a task force comprising NTI, Sebrae and ACEPB.

The project was built on four foundations

In addition to NTI, Sebrae and Acepb, an executive committee will be set up to manage strategic planning that will include municipal departments of science, technology and innovation and economic development.

Bringing the manufacturing sector closer to higher education institutions and bringing the environment closer to different audiences is at the heart of the “Local Innovation Ecosystem”. Strategies involve developing a research and development plan and integrating a technical journey with a calendar of events and routes of visitation.

The “Technology Infrastructure” Foundation, on the other hand, enables sophisticated Internet access and digitalisation of public services. Strategies carried out by specific task forces provide political interpretation with operators prioritizing the installation of these technologies in Pato Branco and identifying essential services for citizens.

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