This Monday, the night of December 6, two bright lights illuminated the sky. In an event known as the conjunction of the planets they are the Moon and Venus
The Moon-Venus fusion had its maximum brightness at about 8:30 p.m.
According to Eric Sanchez, director of the planetarium at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), Saturn and Jupiter will be visible near the Moon this week because of the connections between the two planets.
“Like all the planets in the solar system, the moon orbits the sun in almost the same plane; Later, it became very common to see the Moon from Earth with occasional planets at regular intervals.
“Venus is very bright. Can be observed when the moon goes into view; You can appreciate it, “he explained.
According to the astronomer, this phenomenon may last for about two months, but due to the climatic conditions it is still possible to see it at its peak.
This Tuesday, the moon can be seen above Venus; Maximum brightness is appreciated in a second.
A fusion is an instant, so to speak, it’s not like an event that starts in an hour and ends in such an hour. It was an instant, Sanchez added.
Those who want to better appreciate this event can look closely at it through a telescope or telescope and observe the resemblance of Venus to the Moon.