The Allendez Agricultural Biotechnology Center joins in Science and Technology Week

The Allendez Agricultural Biotechnology Center joins in Science and Technology Week

From November 22 to 28, the Allendez Center for Agriculture and Agro-Food Biotechnology (CEBAL) will once again be associated with National Memories of Science and Technology Week (S&T) Week, which aims to bring science and community closer together. Scientific and technological culture in Portugal.

Thistle, pork, and olive grove will be some of the themes featured in CEBAL-sponsored endeavors throughout the week.

“Themes that need to be explored, both face-to-face and in digital form, involving a diverse audience, represent contemporary issues and impose various economic, environmental and social challenges on the region that remain undiminished. Innovative and varied solutions that result in CEBAL’s mission”

Accordingly, on Monday, November 22, at 2:30 pm, “Workshop on Plant Propagation Sinara cartungulus”, At the Hortofructicola Center of the Beja Polytechnic. Various techniques and breeding materials for thistle plants will be discussed.

As part of the CynaraTec technology transfer program, this is another process dedicated to the evaluation of the thorn, which is “an endogenous resource well suited to the region and a culture with a profitable and sustainable future”.

The initiative is aimed at agricultural producers and all interested economic agents.

Registration is free, but only for 10 participants Open here Until November 21st.

On the 23rd, at 6 pm, the second online session of the Convention Cycle will be held every two months by CEBAL, in association with the Allendez Circular Economic Forum (CCDRAlentejo), “Agribusiness Co-Products & Animal Feed – For a Round Animal Production”. ) This time, the theme is “Porco Saloio – Pork and the West of the Soul”.

In this session, Jono Santos, a biotechnological engineer and promoter of the “Borgo Saloio” project, is present, the protagonist of the most dangerous Portuguese auto pig: Malhado de Alcopasa.

This will address the role of the project in reducing food waste, evaluating the environment and endogenous resources, and showing how to produce pork in a sustainable, safe and healthy way, directly from the producer to the consumer. A unique taste and juice.

The session can be followed Live by clicking here.

On National Science and Technology Cultural Day, November 24, at 4 pm, there will be an online session on “The Role of Children’s Science Education in Sustainable Development – Examples in Indigenous Territories”.

Two science education programs are offered: “(s (cola) Ciência” CEBAL (Alentejo) and LAB-i-Educa BLC3 – Technology and Innovation Complex (Oliveira do Hospital), as well as the Baixo Alentejo Community Innovation Incubator.

According to CEBAL, “Discussing children’s science education as a tool to support education, developing skills among children and youth, enabling them to develop greater sensitivity and awareness of the world around them and the areas in which they operate, inculcating in them policies and values ​​that contribute to building more competitive and flexible areas.” Fair, highly balanced, civic active and environmentally conscious communities.

The session can be followed directly Click here, But it will also be broadcast live On CEBAL’s Facebook page.

At 11:30 a.m. on the 25th, there will be an online session with Maria do Rosario Felix, a professor and researcher at the University of Evora, entitled “Olive Tree Virus: From Diseases to Plant Protectors”. MED-UÉvora.

The session takes place within the confines of the monthly “Um Tia Com” initiative organized by CEBAL and proposes to inform the public about the problem of diseases and pests in Mediterranean cultures (olive groves, almonds and vines). Had a major impact on Allendez’s economy.

It provides an in-depth knowledge of olive tree viruses and techniques for detecting and improving plants, enabling them to turn these viruses into “vaccines” that teach the plant’s immune system to protect itself from microbial infections. .

The session can be followed directly Click here.

Between November 26 and 28, “What does biotechnology mean to you?” CEBAL concludes weekly celebrations by introducing a challenge to the community through an online quiz called.

For those who want to test their knowledge and learn more about biotechnology, the quiz is available on CEBAL’s Facebook page.

A Science and Technology Week It is an annual initiative promoted by Ciência Viva, which aims to get to know the Portuguese scientists and their contribution to the advancement of knowledge, the advancement of the scientific culture, the advancement and the well-being of the community.

2021 marks the 25th anniversary of National Science and Culture Day (November 24), 2021, on the initiative of then-Minister of Science Jose Mariano Gogoi in memory of science promoter Romulo de Carvalho.

This workshop was developed within the framework of the “CynaraTec – Technology Transfer for the Valorization of Cardo” project and is a rotation of conferences on animal nutrition developed within the confines of the highly qualified human capital of the CEBAL Technology Transfer Program. -Funded by Alentejo 2020.

“(S (cola) Ciência – a complementary educational strategy based on scientific thinking, dedicated to improving school success” was developed by CEBAL, a community investor in partnership with EMAS de Beja, EM, funded by the Portuguese Social Innovation. . Baixo Alentejo Social Innovation Incubator is also a partner in this project.

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