Michael Kretschmer: "Immigrants are not accepted in the EU or Germany"

Michael Kretschmer: “Immigrants are not accepted in the EU or Germany”

S.Assange’s Prime Minister Michael Gretchmer (CDU) has spoken out against accepting immigrants stranded on the border between Belarus and Poland in Germany.

“We are not allowed to accept these immigrants in the EU or in Germany. If you want it, they don’t have to take a detour via Minsk, but can fly straight to Germany, “said Gretzmer of Built-on Zondak.

“But we have clear rules regarding immigration. Recognized refugees or skilled workers may come. Immigrants inspired by Lukashenko do not matter. We must show the dictator in Minsk that this move will not succeed. Then he will stop the kidnapping, ”Gretchmer said.

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Polish border guards and settlers on a barbed wire fence near Grotno (Belarus)

The community must tolerate images of people in need at the border and help secure the EU border outside Poland, Kretzmer added. “Warsaw is doing the right thing, so we can not poke the poles in the back.”

Immigrants on the Belarusian-Polish border

Immigrants on the Belarusian-Polish border

Source: via REUTERS

Moreover, thousands of migrants in the Belarusian region on the border with Poland are waiting in makeshift camps in the jungle in the temperatures surrounding the frost. Over the past few days, groups have repeatedly tried to cross the border illegally.

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Immigrants in a makeshift camp in Belarus near the Polish border

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