Chandra Observatory

NASA’s Lunar Laboratory has found evidence of an exoplanet outside the Milky Way

In a major discovery, NASA’s Lunar X-ray Telescope has found evidence for a possible planet outside the Milky Way galaxy. The “Exoplanet” is said to be located in the Whirlpool galaxy, commonly known as M51, about 28 million light-years away from other “planetary candidates” recently identified by scientists, NASA said in a statement. More than 4,000 extrasolar planets have been discovered in the Milky Way galaxy 3,000 light-years from Earth.

“Signs that a planet is transmitting a star outside the Milky Way galaxy may have been detected for the first time. This planetary candidate was identified with NASA’s Lunar X-ray Laboratory, which detected a temporary blur on X-rays in the binary system, where a Sun-like star orbits a neutron star or black hole. “The authors explain that the haze is a neutron star or a planet moving in front of a black hole,” the Lunar Observatory said in a statement.

New arena for exploring other worlds

Searching for the fading of the light of a star and passing something in front of it is called the transport technique, the lunar observatory. “Over the years, scientists have discovered exoplanets using transits using optical light telescopes, which have been able to detect the range of light that humans can see with their eyes, and many more, including ground-based telescopes and NASA’s Kepler mission-based spacecraft.” . These optical light transit detections require a very high level of sensitivity because the planet is much smaller than the star moving in front of it and, therefore, only a small fraction of the light is blocked.

“We are trying to open a new arena for discovering other worlds by searching for planetary candidates at X-ray wavelengths, which is a technique to detect them in other galaxies,” said Rosenne de Stefano of the Astronomy Center. Led the Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) study in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which was published today in the journal Natural Astronomy.

According to data obtained by scientists, it can take decades to determine the size of a planet due to its transport patterns. “Unfortunately we have to wait decades to see another journey to make sure we see one planet,” said Nia Imara, an associate professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz. “And because of the uncertainty about how long it will take to orbit, we don’t know when to look,” he added.

Image: haChandraXRay_Twitter

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