INVERNO 2021/2022: la Nina potrebbe condizionare la stagione fredda

Winter 2021/2022, which is official, will be affected by Nina. The effects of Italy will be significant »

Weather: Winter 2021/2022, it is official, it will be affected by Nina. The effects in Italy will be significant

Winter 2021/2022: Nina can affect the winterWinter 2021/2022: Nina can affect the winterIt’s official, here it comes Nina for next winter. There are still a month and a half to go before winter starts, however, thank you Seasonal forecasts And some Atmospheric codes We can already get a general idea of ​​what awaits us next season This may be different than in recent years. The phenomenon of Nina, with significant consequences for Italy. So let’s take the matter to be understood That’s what it is, so To clarify And a hypothesis Common trend in rainfall and temperature.

Recent seasonal forecasts European Center (ECMWF) Towards early winter marked by heat values Note Climate is about 1 / 1.5 C above average, Especially in the northern European sector Between Scandinavia and Russia (Cradle of cold), Higher than average in the Mediterranean bed.

The reason for these discrepancies is found more precisely in the Pacific Ocean from the old continent. In fact, balance Girl.

This particular event basically represents one Cooling The surface water temperature of the Pacific Ocean Middle and East It often affects the climate of our planet, with different repercussions in Europe and Italy. As we can see in the chart below, the last reading of the surface temperature of the water of the Pacific Ocean (September 2021) indicates that About 0.5 C low The trend should be a compared to the average and in the coming months Further decline (-1.2 C).

This is conceivable The presence of La Nina will increase the entry of many troubles Descending from the Atlantic, it finds no barrier to the high pressure that can take refuge in North Africa. The first part of the winter, if it is confirmed, will rain in the Central-Northern European region and its consequences Northern parts of our country. So, in our mountains Name To the delight of winter sports enthusiasts, it should not be missed.
But be careful if cold air improves It is not excluded that the snow can reach the northern plains, As already happened last winter in the first weeks of December.

Cooling of Pacific Ocean Surface WaterCooling of Pacific Ocean Surface WaterNext winter: La Nina return confirmed Next winter: La Nina return confirmed

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