Bildt robs YouTube for banning freedom of speech in Germany after a court ruled it was wrong to delete Govit-19 interviews

Bildt robs YouTube for banning freedom of speech in Germany after a court ruled it was wrong to delete Govit-19 interviews

The initial order was issued by the Cologne Regional Court in response to a legal challenge filed by the public behind the #Allesaufdentisch online campaign (#EverythingOnTheTable). This is a collection of interviews with various experts and the general public on the Covid 19 epidemic. “Wide, True, Open and True Discourse” On their website. Some of them have challenged the government to deal with the epidemic and raised questions about all sorts of controversial vaccines.

YouTube found these two interviews inappropriate for hosting and removed them. The reported videos showed discussions with math professor Stephen Laghas and neuroscientist Gerald Hother. The court appealed the YouTube decision “Unfair”The German media reported that the platform did not explain that the right parts of the interview violated its social norms for health-related content.

The explanation for why the videos were deleted is very vague, claiming that some comments on the Covid 19 vaccine are contrary to scientific consensus. Overall, there are videos “Large number of clearly recognized statements”, The court said, giving credence to the plaintiffs’ argument that YouTube unfairly restricts their freedom of expression. The order states that the judgment of the court can be appealed against.

The #Allesaufdentisch campaign was launched in late September and was seen as the spiritual successor to a similar anti-advance online movement #allesdichtmachen (#CloseEverythig), which leaned heavily towards satirical content.

Critics say the new interviews are reasonable, trivial and mixed “Target misinformation”As described in the daily Die Zeit. But many believe that the public has a right to see these ideas and determine their validity for themselves, without the interference of American technology companies.

John Schaefer, political director of the influential German newspaper Build, Greeted The court ruling calls for the widespread use of YouTube censorship “Dangerous Aggression” Public discourse in Germany.

Bildt was the first to hide after receiving a court injunction Sunday night. We do not yet know what impact the German judge’s opinion will have on Google, the US company that owns YouTube.

Last month, YouTube used two popular channels of RT DE, the German version of RT in Berlin. “Misinformation about Covid 19” Justification. The decision caused a major breakdown in German-Russian relations, with Moscow accusing Berlin of endorsing the decision or arranging it behind the scenes. Germany has denied the allegations.

RT DE is facing an increasingly hostile environment in Germany, with local banks refusing to serve it and some media outlets bombing the Russian propaganda arm with misinformation about Germany. RT DE sought German courts to defend his reputation against defamation charges and obtained orders in his favor.

Built is not in a hurry to protect RTD against YouTube censorship. In fact, he described removing his chains as a blow “The central element [Russian President Vladimir Putin’s] Misinformation campaign “ And regretted that the content of the channels was not available on other sites “Hundreds of thousands” The audience.

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