3M has received over 5 million euros in Flemish grant

3M has received over 5 million euros in Flemish grant

According to Mieke Schauvliege, 3M has received a grant of 13 5.13 million since 2013. “Of this amount, 2 million comes from the Flemish Climate Fund (Vlaams Klimaatfonds),” he explains. With this Flemish support, MEP Crohn says it has also received 3M federal assistance. These are related to tax cuts to promote research and development. One condition for obtaining this assistance is to obtain a certificate from the Flemish Department of the Environment (Department of Omkewing), which clearly states that “new products and new technologies do not have any negative impact on the environment or are defined as much as possible.”

“I would be surprised if you know that this company pays an absurd amount to clean up the polluted soil itself,” criticizes the environmental activist. Schauvliege considers it a slander that a company like 3M, with a turnover of மில்லியன் 300 million and a profit of மில்லியன் 17 million, is going “through the grant pot”. “The big polluters should immediately stop getting taxpayers’ money so easily,” the MP said. He would like to ask Economic Flemish Minister Hilde Krevitz about this Flemish support for 3M. “When Flemish ministers tap big pollutants like 3M, one wonders if the government knows what it is doing.”

In the Flemish Opposition, Deputy Hannes Anaf (Vroit) believes that “subsidies to 3M” once again demonstrate that the Flemish government wants to take care of companies rather than its citizens. In addition to the subsidies provided to promote energy conversion, they are generally emission rights to be paid. This is without any transparency or conditions. As for 3M, Flemish pays twice because they have been releasing chemicals for years, polluting our water and our soil and causing irreversible damage to our health.

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