Why did dinosaurs disappear 65 million years ago, but not birds?

Why did dinosaurs disappear 65 million years ago, but not birds?

The peculiarities of the brains of birds without dinosaurs would have allowed almost 70% of the creatures to escape the great extinction of the Cretaceous.

Cretaceous-III Fifth mass extinction 65 million years ago and the extinction of dinosaurs and many other animal and plant species. All? No, the birds were not affected, but to a lesser extent. Why is it so difficult to consider that the skeleton of birds is so fragile, even prehistoric, and that some specimens have reached us. “ The future Reports the work of Julia Clark, a Ichthyornis, About 70 million years old and with almost an intact skull.

Along with other researchers, Julia Corke was able to observe cranes and teeth (yes!) And above all to reconstruct the characteristics of Echthornis’ brain in 3D, a theropod similar to our seabirds, then closer than dinosaurs. Today we know them.

“If a characteristic of the brain affected survival, we expect it to be present in survivors, but not in victims,” ​​said Christopher Torres, one of the other authors of the study. This is what we see here. “

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