Democrats in Congress accuse company of behind Arizona election censorship over QAnon-Trump relations - RT USA News

Democrats in Congress accuse company of behind Arizona election censorship over QAnon-Trump relations – RT USA News

House Democrats are pushing the company to audit the 2020 Arizona election, demanding that cyber ninjas prove it has nothing to do with former President Donald Trump or the Cunningham conspiracy.

A 13-page letter sent Wednesday to the Florida-based cybersecurity committee states that the House Oversight and Reform Committee is “concerned” about their “most unusual attempt” by the legislature to audit the county vote by Marigopa.

Citing media reports, he accused the company of lacking experience, “Thin and insecure” Procedures and funded by individuals Who sought to advance the “big lie” of allegations of electoral fraud published in the November 2020 presidential election. “

Committee “Try to determine whether a privately funded audit conducted by your Arizona company protects the right to vote or promotes unfounded conspiracy theories, undermines confidence in the U.S. election and ‘seeks to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election. Gain,’ The letter said.

“Substantial” Funding for the audit came “Supporters of black money groups” Powered by Blogger “Attempted to overthrow 2020 elections based on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories”, OAN Reporter Christina Bob, pro-Trump lawyer L.A. As Lynn Wood and former executive Patrick Byrne, the letter says.

In the documents they request the cyber ninjas to provide by July 28, the committee requests any communication with Trump, his “formal or informal” representatives, all officials in his administration, his attorney Rudy Giuliani, Wood, Byrne, and attorney Sidney Powell. , Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Mybilo CEO Mike Lindell.

Even on
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The letter comes a day after President Joe Biden denounced Republican-backed state election laws as racist. “Aggression” It emphasizes that its electoral success in 2020 has been highly scrutinized and that any question remains questionable “The big lie. “

It was signed by committee chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) and Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland), a representative of the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties subcommittee – who led the second indictment. Against Trump in January.

As an excuse to prosecute cyber ninjas, Maloney and Ruskin relied on the May letter of Pamela Carlan, now senior assistant attorney general in the civil rights division of the judiciary – but very famous for her testimony. The indictment in Trump’s early days, when he took the name of his son Baron as evidence of his monarchical leanings.

However, between Biden’s speech and Maloney-Ruskin’s letter, some who criticized Trump’s allegations of electoral schizophrenia and dismissed the censorship as unnecessary are beginning to wonder if they can have anything above all else.

“I don’t know what they’re hiding, but the cover-ups and threats say it all.” Conservative filmmaker Mike Chernovich tweeted “It simply came to our notice then. ”

“I used to think it was mostly ‘hobby’, but now I wonder if there’s anything more”, Journalist and podcaster Biskin Tim Scored.

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