Frances McDormand, crépuscule sur un camp de nomades.

At the Movie Theater. “Nomadland”, in the United States at a time after the 2008 global economic crisis

Twilight to Frances McDormand, a nomadic camp.
Twilight to Frances McDormand, a nomadic camp. (© DR)

2008, The year of the financial crisis Non-standard, which can be very weak in inaccurate inseparable situations. Some, after losing almost everything, work and home, decide to go on the roads.

They live in odd jobs (Amazon, camp, supermarket) collected during the trip. Their house, a van, is now on four wheels.

Excluded from the system

This kind of The sinless pilgrimage to redemption, These new nomads meet again, may live together for a while, and part ways.

Chloe Zhao is definitely handing over the lead role of this road movie to a professional actress Francis McDormand, but she Surround him with real people who are excluded from the organization. They tell their stories in front of a camera that never shatters, exposes distorted rules, but above all, a crazy desire to live and unlimited hope., Unwavering empathy towards his neighbor, Its equivalent, which gives more hope to the human psyche.

Hot appointments

As everything crashes around them, they make diligent pilgrims advancing towards a better world. These deeply hot encounters will overwhelm you, and their authenticity takes precedence over the form of the story.

Of course, this can only be a thought-provoking film, which is nothing but still full of all human misery.

We are close to Impressionism

Of these Endless landscapes. In this journey of forgetting the world’s leading economic power.

Unforgettable service

Frances McDormand, who received several awards for her role, immersed herself anonymously before filming in this situation. His acting is unforgettable.

Small conversation here, definitely what is needed, but the look, the gestures, are sometimes very noticeable even if drawn. Poverty is a little satisfying … Chloé Zhao catches all of this with a subtlety that will raise your throat more than once. Want to seeஎன்றால் If you do not want to miss a masterpiece!

Find the trailer for “Nomland” in the video < here to view content

Robert Benawire

Director: Chloe Zhao.
With: Francis McDormand
Duration: 1h48.
Category: Drama

Chloé Zhao: Since being abandoned … superheroes!

Born in Pekingese, young Chloe left the Middle Kingdom as soon as her first diplomas were in her pocket. Directing the United States, where he studied political science and filmmaking. In 2015, when he was 33 years old, Chloe Zhao signed on for her first feature. It is presented with excellent critical feedback at Sundance and Cannes festivals.
After “The Rider” in 2017, the filmmaker for his third film, in his favorite domain: Nomadland sees the marginalized population. His mastery of the camera will attract major studios who have volunteered to integrate with the universe of superheroes for his next film (“The Eternal”, scheduled for release by the end of 2021)! That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Especially since the next remake … Dracula! Of course …


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