New Address of Eight Districts - South Kursim Area

New Address of Eight Districts – South Kursim Area

In turn, Latvijas Pasts will continue to deliver products in accordance with the currently valid address code areas – no changes are planned for them.

With administrative-territorial reform, Latvijas Basts calls on all users of the postal service – natural and legal persons – to look into the proper registration of addresses if their respective districts change their name during the reform.

“It helps to process the most accurate address registration items quickly without delaying the overall mail transfer process,” said Kundeka Varba, head of external communications management at Latvijas Pasts.

“To make it easier to practice, it is desirable to introduce a new address record or a new name for the district already,” G. said. Warba points out.

After the reform, Latvijas Fast staff will have to focus more on sorting items. The company encourages customers to make appropriate changes to recipients’ address records, including online store profiles, so mail can be processed more quickly and accurately. Residents of new districts should also keep in mind the correct record when subscribing to magazines.

The names of cities and parishes, the code-address inputs will not change after the reform. For example In the future, the district of South Kursim will have to be written instead of the district of Brigule, but the church, house name and postal code will not change.

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“In the future it will be important for the smallest units of address – city, parish and index – to be accurately indicated,” G. said. Warba insists.

When referring to the item’s address, Latvijas Pasts reminds you to include the following information: Address name / surname or law firm name, street, house and apartment number or house name, city / parish, county, zip code.

After the 2021 municipal election, there will be 43 municipalities instead of the current 119.

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