Unidentified men threaten Ukraine residents: Ukraine: Former Soviet Union: Lenta.ru

Unidentified men threaten Ukraine residents: Ukraine: Former Soviet Union: Lenta.ru

In the city of Peregovo in the Transcarpathian region, unidentified individuals published leaflets threatening people of Hungarian descent. This is what the local police report about the West.Yuva edition.

“Get out of the Ukrainian land! We will give you a week and start poisoning like rats, ”the pamphlet authors threatened in Ukrainian. The publication draws attention to the fact that there was a typo in the word “Ukrainian” in the text of the leaflets.

Before KnownIn the village of Syed, in the Transcarpathian region, where local delegates sang Hungarian hymns during the swearing-in ceremony last year, unknown individuals wrote the words of the Ukrainian anthem on the walls of houses. This is not the first time such graffiti has been used in Hungarian villages.

The crisis in Hungarian-Ukrainian relations began after the adoption of a law by former Ukrainian President Pedro Poroshenko called the “Foundations of State Language Policy”. Hungary vehemently opposed the new language law, declaring discrimination against the Hungarian people of Ukraine. Later, the new President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zhelensky, signed into law the law on “complete public secondary education”, which deprived national minorities of the right to study in their own language.

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