Amandine Lepoutre, Présidente du think tank Thinkers & Doers

Business change: Leaders need to evolve

Achievers in decision-making positions in a company face a dilemma: the enormous forces that come with infinite responsibility. But do they have all the skills they need? According to a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group of 4,000 workers in several European countries, leaders’ expectations are not related to consideration, empathy and listening to the performance of their organizations. The gift of skill development, self-knowledge and good communication. Needless to say these qualities are not commonly found in the training or culture of business leaders.

This is the problem: if we want to move towards an all-encompassing, more responsible and more humane society and economy, it is not enough to trust the ultimate position of a company, one purpose, the unique lawyers who produce a Risen D. retre, CSR criteria or an ethical charter. If there are structures, rules and legal matters, men and women do. We are dangerous in this area, an inspired and humane leader has resigned to wait for the occasional wake-up call, will do as he says, and have a genuine sense of partnership.

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Emotional intelligence

The PCG study reminds us: For leaders, “it’s to show human qualities – hence the heart – the way they lead.” This idea is echoed in the thesis of author David Goodhardt in his recent book Head, arms and heart (Les Arens, 2020), according to which our communities overestimate the cognitive abilities of a few, which can be detrimental to the emotional or technical intelligence of the majority. The skill of index manipulation takes everything, money and fame, while the rest are invisible and enjoy low pay.

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This analysis of society is easily transformed into the structure of an organization. Leader This creature is made by an extraordinary analytical intelligence, digests all the data, should always be one step above. At best, it can transform social and environmental criteria and make its social responsibility strategy more effective. But incarnation, empathy, honesty and inspiration are sore, while leaders remain a self that reinforces the standards they value in each other.

However, a determined and humane leader does not have to fall from the sky, he can predict himself, he can train himself, he wants himself. Everyone knows Soft skills, The scale of humanity of a CV is too delicate or too precise. But aren’t they often a simple complement to the soul’s fringe use, a simple showcase of really important skills?

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“Positive Leadership”

New management schools or courses have chosen the opposite approach, which is to keep them at the heart of the study years. We can already quote an American university Minerva, Offers its students to live their curriculum in seven different cities, and values ​​critical thinking, teamwork, creativity and autonomy rather than accumulating knowledge by applying the principle of the reverse classroom. His first promotions were nothing to be ashamed of compared to the Ivy League descendants. For its part, the most recent Forward College, Whose courses begin next September, are a direct result of the prison experience: he wants to train his students in “positive leadership”, focusing on concrete projects, again in three different European cities (Paris, Lisbon, Amsterdam), showcasing emotional skills, ecology and digital technology.

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It is fashionable to call it “investing in people,” but this formula often applies to employees, not to their leaders, and is always crowned with a mysterious qualification that justifies their authority. As this nursery of ministers, presidents and managing directors accused of similar evils (arrogance, intellectualism, equality) prepares to disappear, a reflection is needed tomorrow on new decision-makers and business leaders. The Citizen’s College of France The goal of “identifying, producing and supporting competent, responsible, humanitarian and ethical leaders” is welcomed by the media as “ENA in the Field” and contributes to further strengthening the debate about the need to re-talk about values. And behaviors for our decision makers.

Because today it is a question that is truly trained, not only to be determined, understood and predicted by humanitarian leaders, but also by the talents of collective, listening and responsible, social networks and the rewards offered by their peers rather than being eager for the medieval light. Future responsible decision makers will come from elsewhere. On the ground. New schools. With different paths. Our champions cannot change politics and economy without being different.

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