A Supervised Sergeant of Derek Suv Testified that Thursday As soon as George Floyd stops responding, the police officer and other officers must stop restraining him..
“When Mr. Floyd no longer presented any opposition to the authorities, they may have restrained him.”Said the Sergeant David Blogger, Who is retired, according to The New York Times. When asked by a lawyer, he pointed it out Police officers should not restrain someone who is handcuffed and no longer resisting.
Sergeant Blogger said he spoke to Suu Kyi just minutes after she was taken in a Floyd ambulance. Police did not mention the pressure on Floyd’s neck during the conversation.
They spoke on the phone after the sergeant received a call from a 911 operator who was concerned about live surveillance footage of officers holding Floyd. Part of the conversation that took place within minutes of him being taken to a hospital Suv’s body was captured on camera.
“We had to catch the boy”, Listens to Suv, who adds to it Floyd is not going to stay in the back of a police car. “He was crazy”According to The New York Times, he added.
Shortly after the call began, Suu Kyi turned off her body camera. Sergeant Blogger said doing it was a consistent move He recalled the police officer saying that Floyd had injured his nose or mouth after the attack and was later in a medical emergency.
Body camera pictures show it A police officer approached Floyd with a handgun and kicked him out of the driver’s seat of a car after a 911 store clerk allegedly used a fake $ 20 bill to buy a cigarette.. When officers tried to load him into the back of a police car, he struggled with them and tried to get out of the back seat. Then He ended up on the sidewalk outside the vehicle, where officers detained him for more than nine minutes.

Sergeant Blusher went to the scene of the arrest and then met Suu Kyi at Hennepin County Medical Center, where Floyd was transferred. Once there, police officers learned that Floyd was not well, and Blusher asked Suu Kyi if she had used extra power.
“He knelt Floyd or knelt on his neck, something of that nature.”Sergeant Blazer told The New York Times on Thursday. He said that, answering a lawyer’s question It was the first time he knew that Floyd might have used the power of the chow around his neck.
Sergeant Blogger The last witness to testify on Thursday is the fourth day of the death trial. Testimony continues this Friday morning.
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