Fabric pockets sewn in France to retrieve orphan marsupials

The generosity of the Australian Carcassonne Park, which sought the help of Australian associations to retrieve cloth pockets so that orphaned marsupial children could grow up, surpassed all hopes. Thousands of bags were voluntarily sent to the park.

“Now We Need Volunteers”: From her zoo dedicated to Australia and its animals, located in the Carcassonne in Ads, Carol Mason did not expect baby kangaroos to make cloth bags to retrieve wallbases. Or colas in a fire in Australia. In addition to the thousands of cloth pockets received by the park, an online gift pool has been opened to ensure inventory in bags up to Australia.

Call for help with marsupial children

Facing the scale of the disaster in Australia, where more than a billion animals have perished since the fire began in September, Australian associations have launched an international appeal for help, aired by Carol Mason’s Australian Park in France. He frequently traveled to Australia, reports Sending.

The park’s director posted a request on January 8 on his site and Facebook for Australian associations to make pockets for baby kangaroos and other marsupials. In a few days, “we got thousands of bags” sent by schools, nursing homes, sewing clubs, individuals, cheering this biologist as “interested in marsupials and Australia”.

“It’s a real tragedy for humans and animals. All we can do is try to help as little as possible. All the goodwill to help the volunteers who work there will help. Low” Carol Mason explains Sending.

Small ones should grow for several months in a bag

Simply put, these fabric cases can be viticulture to small marsupials, whether their mother was killed or they were thrown out “under stress”. “To create, they have to be,” can roll, explains Carol Mason. Small marsupials develop in their mother’s bag for several months before breastfeeding.

When collecting baby emissions, bags should be changed “very often”: “a baby is thirty to a kangaroo”, they are taken care of before breastfeeding, fires left “astronomical unstoppable marsupials”, details Carol Mason.

At his feet, a fine wedge is placed in a basket, the same as the six-month-old red kangaroo baby Diego, who fell from his mother’s bag in early December in an Australian park, presents fifty specimens. Carol Mason explains that after this type of accident, kangaroo mothers are “not looking for their babies.” Until breastfeeding, at eight months, humans should be responsible for a “relatively simple” but demanding operation “at the rate of one bottle every 3 hours.”

Unexpected outburst of generosity

Her assistant, Annia Aubrey, explains patiently that no prostheses are needed, and that the pockets – an interior case slip into a bag – need to be sewn into “English seams” so that children do not get their nails. In various cities, many have volunteered as “collection points” for sewn bags.

At “La Petit Fabric” in Carcassonne, workshops were organized with ten volunteers, all women in their 30s and 60s, or even in Bolognese-sur-Merrill, where volunteer tailors from the municipal community center “SpaceMase” sewed in one hundred bags in five days.

Required sizes – Colas, Possums, Wallabies … – and product details are listed On the Park website, But with the caution that there is no need to launch new products now, the objectives are largely achieved. Refers to the park On his Facebook page “All the bags in production and all the workshop projects placed this week must be fully completed to meet the goal”.

Departs for Australia on February 10th

“The call went at a terrible pace, with Facebook affecting two million people,” Carol Mason is still amazed. The spring of this excitement is for those who “can face an enormous catastrophe and be at its level, at its level, as an actor of a solution”.

Facing the arrival of bags and parcels – to open, sort and pack – Australian Park Launched online fundraising For insuring goods and paying customs duties, their quantity is not yet known. While waiting for the Australian Association’s response on the number of bags he plans to send, Carol Mason wants this moment to “focus on traffic collection and organization as we expect several thousand bags”. Sending.

As of this Thursday, nearly 13,000 euros have already been collected and a plan is being prepared to help an American transport company. Departure for Australia is scheduled for February 10th.

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