Biden opens doors to China at bilateral meeting in Alaska

Biden opens doors to China at bilateral meeting in Alaska

This is the first meeting between the two administrations since Biden took office.  (Twitter)
This is the first meeting between China and the United States since Biden took office. (Twitter)

Donald Trump Was determined against China But still Joe Biden goes in the opposite direction. Two months after he became President of the United States, his senior officials are sitting in the cool city of Anchorage, Alaska, with the common goal of setting alarms with China’s diplomatic leadership: cooperation.

This is the first meeting between the two administrations. On behalf of the United States, the Secretary of State attended, Anthony Blink, And National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan; On the Chinese side, Yang Jiechi, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party for Foreign Affairs, and Wang Yi, the leader of diplomacy.

It was a meeting that “agreed to test each other and begin to draw up plans for bilateral relations over the next four years, but no one expected significant progress in this first meeting of the Biden era between the two world heroes.” Country.

However, the meeting between the two capitals took place at the urging of Washington, which included stops in Tokyo and Seoul after completing their tour of Blingen and Sullivan Asia – their first foreign trip since their appointment – and the recent virtual meeting called the QUAD ( And the informal defense alliance between India), which allowed the Democrats to formulate a common strategy with their Asian allies. A gesture that Washington wants to keep in touch with China to focus on Asia – and the rivalry with Beijing – over the next four years.

Therefore, Blinken makes it clear that his government has a dubious intent and that it is “giving less importance to trying to stop China”, which is something that can be translated. U.S. for world domination Red Dragon is planned.

Without major tensions

Respecting the forms and managing the tensions to support the economy is one of the first objectives facing this face-to-face, which will continue to tie the two powers together in the foreseeable future.

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Anthony Blingen initially said, “To discuss deep concerns with China’s actions.” incluso en Xinjiang, Cyber ​​attacks against Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States and the economic coercion of our allies ”.

For his part, Sullivan said the United States is not seeking a confrontation with China, but will defend its policies and allies. The U.S. National Security Adviser went to a tangent to discuss NASA rover “Martisaje” on Mars He said the success of the country was the ability to constantly renew itself.

China therefore insists that this is a “strategic dialogue” that goes back to previous years’ bilateral mechanisms. However, Yang Jiechi said that “this makes it clear that China is firmly opposed to US intervention in China’s internal affairs and threatens strong opposition to such intervention in retaliatory measures.”

Xi Jinping called on government officials to “drop the Cold War mentality.”

How will this summit end? Although coverage was initially promised, it will have to wait to see if access to the press room has been canceled.

In parallel

Some circles in Washington are talking about China’s “win-win cooperation (win-win),” he says, adding that Beijing will win twice as much. BBC. This confirms what is happening in parallel to this meeting in Alaska.

China buys one million barrels a day from Iran in a move to challenge the Biden administration’s foreign policy against Tehran to halt its nuclear program in 2015. The Wall Street Journal.

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, or Sinopec, is the largest state-owned refinery in Asia. After cutting staff and costs over the past two years it is now publishing new jobs online and plans to double their production with the Communist government.

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Iranian officials and businessmen are taking advantage of the situation. Tehran is increasingly adept at avoiding sanctions with secret transfers in the Persian Gulf and South Asia to cover up the appearance of its inventory and find new ways to charge using non-banking sites such as cryptocurrencies.

In fact, the first Iranian vice president, Isaac Jahangri, agrees. In recent reports, he noted the increase in Iran’s oil exports in recent months.

Venezuela also emerges in that panorama, selling Tehran for diesel and other vital energy needs in exchange for oil and gold. That oil is then sold to global markets, earning revenue for Iran and promoting Maduro politically. Didn’t Biden see it?

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