Le premier flacon de vaccin anti-Covid injecté aux Etats-Unis entre au musée

The first vial of anti-Govt vaccine injected into the United States enters the museum

Northwell New York Hospital – where nurse Sandra Lindsay was the first person in the United States to be immunized – donated a used Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine vial to the museum with a syringe and cover. The vaccine for nurse and professional clothing she wore on T-Day, the museum said on its website.

“These historical objects not only document significant scientific advances (in the face of epidemics), but also reflect the hope of millions of people affected by the catastrophic crises caused by the epidemic,” said Antia Hardick, director of the museum.

Of all the countries in the world, the United States has the highest number of deaths from the epidemic, with more than 528,000 deaths and more than 29 million cases reported, according to Johns Hopkins University.

These objects will join the collection that the museum launched on April 20, 2020: like other cultural institutions around the world, including the Museum Museum in Marseille, it wants to document the epidemic – both scientific or political events have been discontinued only at work or in the cultural world.

The National Museum of American History, part of the Smithsonian Museum complex near the White House, has launched a nationwide call for ideas on what it can collect. He was invited to share personal experiences on a website based on the “Time Capsule” for future generations.

The museum is expected to showcase some of the items in a larger exhibition on “Sick and Healthy” dedicated to how Americans have coped with disease since the 19th century, the report said without giving a date.

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