And this Controller Xbox Much preferred PC players Its Steam. To reveal that this is the valve, he talks about a big message introduced for developers, how many players can use a controller with their games and, above all, can now find out with a unique tool what the most popular models will be.
Data show that 68% of gamers who use a steam controller have opted for the Xbox One. Controllers PlayStation They are far behind, 21%, and the Nintendo Switch is stuck at 4%. The steam controller is used by only 2% of players, but this figure could worsen in the coming months / years as it goes out of production.
அடைப்பான் It does not reveal which models are actually the most widely used, compiled by controllers by macro families, but the Xbox data is not surprising, given the excellent support Microsoft has provided for its devices on Windows operating systems.
Let us read other interesting data taken directly from the report:
48 million users use a controller while playing Steam, and about 10% of daily gaming sessions are done with a controller. Of course, the use of controllers is not the same in all game genres. Many real-time strategy games are difficult to play with controllers of any kind, and have a very small percentage (often less than 1%) of users who use them. Many sports and fighting games, on the other hand, use more than 70% of game sessions as a controller, and more than 90% of racing and skateboarding games. In terms of action and adventure games, most third-party adventure games find many players using controls equivalent to 40-50%, which is 7-8% in the case of first-person shooters.

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