
Saudi female activists are being called in to force her to be imprisoned …

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Riyadh In Lujain al-Hadloul , Women’s rights activists Saudi Arabia , Was released from prison on Wednesday. While he was in custody, he allegedly forced prison investigators to kiss and commit sexual acts.

An activist known as al-Hadlul has pushed the Saudi Arabian government to end the ban on women driving.

Also read: Published by Saudi women’s rights activist Lujain al-Hadloul

He was arrested in 2018. He was then sentenced last December to nearly six years in prison under the broader anti-terrorism law.

Al-Hadloul, who spent 1,001 days in prison, spent time in pre-trial detention and isolation – accused of committing crimes such as pressuring change, using the Internet to create chaos and following foreign agendas. Human rights groups (HAM) describe the allegations as politically motivated.

The 31-year-old activist rose to prominence in Saudi Arabia, criticizing the state security system, which prohibits women from traveling without male relatives. He is also known for being outspoken on human rights issues.

He was first detained for 70 days in 2014, when – as an act of protest – hePosting Video Realism He is trying to drive from the United Arab Emirates to Saudi Arabia.

This March a Saudi Arabian judge was suspended from his sentence for two years and 10 months and is expected to be released as a reward for his imprisonment.

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