Honor confirms negotiations with Google and hopes to bring back its services soon

After sealing its independence from Hawaii, Respect wants to achieve the highest goal. The Chinese brand was able to enter into agreements with Samsung, Qualcomm and Intel, obtain components and integrate the best smartphones, without restrictions derived from trade restrictions imposed by the US. However, there is no code name from this list: Google.

The services of an American company are essential in attracting consumers outside of China. In Europe, Google Play is a kind of quality when it comes to app distribution. The same can be said of services such as Google Maps or YouTube, which have millions of users in Western markets.

Fortunately, negotiations with Google are all about getting better and better. In an interview published in the South China Morning Post, Honorary CEO George Zhao Admitted to talking to a North American company, and “hopes to resume his relationship.”. The report comes in addition to information published by a Russian newspaper, which promises that the Chinese brand will operate on new products that will enable Google services.

The status of the negotiations is a mystery for now. Similarly, it is not clear whether the Chinese brand will launch the recently announced Honor V40 in Western markets such as Europe.

The Hon’ble CEO does not care about the United States

Respect 30 ProRespect

In an interview with the South China Morning Post, the company’s chief executive He said he was not concerned about US sanctions. “There is no reason to put restrictions on the most ordinary consumer electronics company. We comply with global trade rules, including payments for intellectual property, taxes, etc. We have an internal compliance office to regulate the conduct of each organization,” he promised.

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Respect, let’s remember, At the end of 2020, Hawaii became independent from the country. The company is now in the hands of a consortium of companies and aims to recover from the blows it caused to the United States. The size of the transaction has not been made public, although it is estimated to be between $ 15,000 million and $ 40,000 million.

The Honor article confirms negotiations with Google and hopes to bring back its services, which will soon be published on Explica.co.

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