Avant l'arrivée de Biden, Mike Pompeo profite pour sanctionner tous azimuts les adversaires des Etats-Unis

Before Biden’s arrival, Mike Pompeo gets a chance to let America’s all round enemies

In the avalanche of reports, he first targeted companies based in Iran, China or the United Arab Emirates, and was already accused of using the Iranian maritime sector in the US block list.

He has stepped up punitive action against several Iranian companies in the maritime, aerospace and aerospace sectors for contributing to the “proliferation” of conventional weapons in the Middle East.

“Maximum pressure”

Above all coding, but the message is clear: Mike Pompeo will be tough until the last minute of his order, leading the “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran.

With a thin hidden purpose that complicates the work of the democratically elected president.

Joe Biden wants to return to the 2015 international Iran nuclear deal that Donald Trump withdrew from the United States.

To do this, he must lift the US sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.

The more layers Mike Pompeo adds, the longer the screen will be and the harder it will be to separate from his appointed successor, Anthony Blingen.

Washington also imposed financial sanctions on Cuban Interior Minister Lazarus Alberto Alvarez for “serious human rights abuses”.

“The repression of the fundamental freedoms of the Castro regime deserves the condemnation and reaction of all nations that respect human rights,” he said, attacking Mike Pompeo, who does not distinguish himself as a defender of human rights in the world.

The Trump administration, which has been working for four years to reconsider the historic rapprochement between the United States and the communist island started by former US President Barack Obama, had already placed Cuba on the block list on Monday. “States Supporting Terrorism”.

There, too, Joe Biden will resume a detention policy with Havana against these measures.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez responded: “This attempt to de-list Cuba leaves only foreign policy isolation and failures.”

“Sadness, Anger and Pity”

The third round of sanctions ordered on Friday may still be unanimous.

Mike Pompeo has added six Chinese and Hungarian officials to his list in the wake of last week’s crackdown by Hong Kong authorities on more than 50 pro – democratic opposition parties. National Security Act imposed by Beijing.

Anthony Blingen, who will be questioned in the Senate on Tuesday, called for confirmation of his appointment as Secretary of State and promised to “stand by the people of Hong Kong against Beijing’s repression.”

But the escalation of sanctions as a privileged tool of US diplomacy, brought to an unprecedented level by the outgoing Republicans, is being contested by Democrats and many experts. In their view, the Trump-Pompeo duo is not allowed to change the attitude of its pets from Iran to China via Venezuela or Cuba.

After Jan. 20, Mike Pompeo must first return to Kansas, where he was elected to Congress. The most loyal of Trumpist ministers who will not stand alone from the president even after the attack on Capitol Hill by his supporters will not be well received.

In a bad editorial, the Kansas City Star newspaper estimates that the world today sees the United States “with a mixture of sadness, anger, and pity.”

“He did everything in the last few months to undermine the foreign policy of the future Biden administration,” he wrote. “America will be better off after he leaves. And it would be so much better if Kansas decides to stay away from its adopted state forever.”

As for Mike Pompeo’s presidential aspirations, they were showered with one of the Republican primary polls for 2024: he gets only 1% of the voting intentions.

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