Psychological test, select a map and you will find that you are trying to hide

This simple psychological test allows you to understand what you are trying to hide from yourself and others in everyday life.

For that Test Today I have selected an image with four different designs. The purpose in this case is to identify a page of yours Personality, Something that will highlight you but not make you proud. Living in a society that is often diverse and diverse invites us to file some of our traits in order to be accepted by all or to make a good impression in the workplace.

This personality soft training is a part of social life and helps to develop it Mask We usually wear it outside the front door. Sometimes it is so comfortable to wear this mask that we forget some of the features that characterize us. In fact, if we hide these traits that we have to accept in the beginning, they become almost with time and routine Inaccessible To our eyes and our awareness.

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Psychological test: The map you choose will tell you what you are covering

Although not considered a false tool (it takes many years of psychological treatment for a psychoanalysis), so today’s test is aimed at revealing the personality trait you want to hide, perhaps you may be buried in a trance, and some who know you well may notice from your approach or your point of view. Are you ready? Select one of the maps and read the test solution (left to right).

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First drawing (from left)

If you choose this design, it means that you tend to minimize whatever happens. Apparently you are people who can not be shaken, who are always confident and who can go beyond difficulties. In fact, this attitude of yours can only be a shield, keep in mind that vulnerability is not a defect and is not completeness. Don’t be afraid of the judgment of others, just be open and you will find what you most appreciate.

Also read ->Visual testing, can you find the dog in this picture?

Second drawing (from left)

Those who choose this design tend to hide their value. Such a choice is not made by false humility, but by a perpetual and intractable insecurity. This attitude, while acting as a tool to protect yourself from external attacks, has long been manifested in a real self-destruction. Often your nature leads to distrust and self-harm, being proud of results and abilities is not a defect, try it.

Third drawing (from left)

You may have noticed that this design is similar to the previous one, but has more decisive and organized features. If you choose this, it means that you have a tendency to hide your true value. However, in this case you are not doing it out of insecurity, but to cover up excessive self-esteem and an exemplary ego. You certainly do this so as not to appear arrogant in the eyes of others, but in some cases this trait is clearly evident. You are always ready to put yourself first, and you are ready to leave someone who cannot continue to be with you for your interest.

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Also read ->Visual inspection, what do you see in the picture? A face or a couple lovers

Fourth drawing (from left)

If you choose the last map, it means that you are a person who is subject to criticism, often unhappy in your life. Even if you try to laugh to cover this side of your character, your distrust is clearly evident from your every pose and phrase. For this reason, someone may decide not to search for you anymore. Hope is the spice of life, the only thing that allows us to live the mystery of life without weight.

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