The Douglas County Department of Health reports 421 new cases of COVID-19

The Douglas County Department of Health reports 421 new cases of COVID-19

Back to you guys. Julie: Thank you, Alexander. The virus lives nine more times in Nebraska. ROB: 159 deaths have been reported this month. Tonight we announce 1600 new announcements that set a record for Nebraska over the past two months. The positive rate was 11.6%. Julie: The positive rate for the Serbian and Gos countries has dropped by 4% this week, but it is still running close to 16% here in Douglas County, where five people die from the virus. Country Confirms N.

The Douglas County Department of Health reports 421 new cases of COVID-19

On Friday, the Douglas County Department of Health announced that 421 new cases of COVID-19 had been received in the past day, ending at midnight. Of note, Douglas County announced 296 new lawsuits the previous day, turning the latest numbers into a big tab. It brings the total number of cases in Douglas County to 22,786 since it erupted in March. No new death certificates were received by the health department in the past day regarding COVID-19. The death toll from the outbreak in the county is 231. DCHD has confirmed that 15,387 district residents have recovered from the disease. In cases where parts of Nebraska and Iowa can be found here: Curve Tracking: Nebraska, Iowa cases and deaths IowaPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iaW5mb2dyYW0tZW1iZWQiIGRhdGEtaWQ9ImYwM2RjMDYwLTVkMjctNDkzYy1hZmQxLTJiMzc3MDRjZWIzNSIgZGF0YS10eXBlPSJpbnRlcmFjdGl2ZSIgZGF0YS10aXRsZT0iS0VUViBUUkFDS0lORyBUSEUgQ1VSVkUgQVVUT01BVElPTiI + PC9kaXY + + == PHNjcmlwdD4hZnVuY3Rpb24oZSxpLG4scyl7dmFyIHQ9IkluZm9ncmFtRW1iZWRzIixkPWUuZ2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWUoInNjcmlwdCIpWzBdO2lmKHdpbmRvd1t0XSYmd2luZG93W3RdLmluaXRpYWxpemVkKXdpbmRvd1t0XS5wcm9jZXNzJiZ3aW5kb3dbdF0ucHJvY2VzcygpO2Vsc2UgaWYoIWUuZ2V0RWxlbWVudEJ5SWQobikpe3ZhciBvPWUuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7by5hc3luYz0xLG8uaWQ9bixvLnNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly9lLmluZm9ncmFtLmNvbS9qcy9kaXN0L2VtYmVkLWxvYWRlci1taW4uanMiLGQucGFyZW50Tm9kZS5pbnNlcnRCZWZvcmUobyxkKX19KGRvY3VtZW50LDAsImluZm9ncmFtLWFzeW5jIik7PC9zY3JpcHQ

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On Friday, the Douglas County Department of Health announced that 421 new cases of COVID-19 had been received in the past day, ending at midnight.

Of note, Douglas County announced 296 new lawsuits the previous day, turning the latest numbers into a big tab. This brings the total number of cases in Douglas County to 22,786 since the outbreak in March.

No new death certificates were received by the health department in the past day regarding COVID-19.

The death toll from the outbreak in the county is 231. DCHD has confirmed that 15,387 district residents have recovered from the disease.

Cases in Nebraska and Iowa include:

Curve Tracking: Cases and Deaths in Nebraska, Iowa

PC9kaXY PHNjcmlwdD4hZnVuY3Rpb24oZSxpLG4scyl7dmFyIHQ9IkluZm9ncmFtRW1iZWRzIixkPWUuZ2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWUoInNjcmlwdCIpWzBdO2lmKHdpbmRvd1t0XSYmd2luZG93W3RdLmluaXRpYWxpemVkKXdpbmRvd1t0XS5wcm9jZXNzJiZ3aW5kb3dbdF0ucHJvY2VzcygpO2Vsc2UgaWYoIWUuZ2V0RWxlbWVudEJ5SWQobikpe3ZhciBvPWUuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7by5hc3luYz0xLG8uaWQ9bixvLnNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly9lLmluZm9ncmFtLmNvbS9qcy9kaXN0L2VtYmVkLWxvYWRlci1taW4uanMiLGQucGFyZW50Tm9kZS5pbnNlcnRCZWZvcmUobyxkKX19KGRvY3VtZW50LDAsImluZm9ncmFtLWFzeW5jIik7PC9zY3JpcHQ PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iaW5mb2dyYW0tZW1iZWQiIGRhdGEtaWQ9ImYwM2RjMDYwLTVkMjctNDkzYy1hZmQxLTJiMzc3MDRjZWIzNSIgZGF0YS10eXBlPSJpbnRlcmFjdGl2ZSIgZGF0YS10aXRsZT0iS0VUViBUUkFDS0lORyBUSEUgQ1VSVkUgQVVUT01BVElPTiI + + IA + ==

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