Bar urges Trump to appoint lawyer to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden | American News

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See William A special lawyer is to be appointed to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter ahead of Election Day, with Donald Trump addressing his attorney general on Tuesday via his favorite media, Fox & Friends morning show.

The New York Post reports that the laptop hard drive at a repair shop in Tenderware was allegedly obtained by Trump ally Rudy Giuliani. Is a former New York mayor Now Trump’s personal lawyer His search for political dirt in Fiden has been publicly publicized as contributing to Trump’s accusation for his attitudes towards Ukraine.

Post stories about corruption involving the energy company have not been verified by other outlets and have been handled with caution By social media sites. Fox News Announced Concerns about its credibility could mean a “October surprise” to elevate the president as he fights against Biden in the election. New York Times on Monday Announced Disagreement over Murdoch Paper’s press release A former Post employee, speaking anonymously, told the Guardian: “It’s coming back.”

But Fox has No link shown About discussing claims widely in its air. In a 45-minute phone interview on Tuesday, Fox & Friends hosts repeatedly asked Trump about it.

The president was asked “will you appoint a special attorney to investigate the story” and “any legal or ethical issues that may have arisen from the former vice president’s 47-year public office.”

Trump responded: “We need to get an attorney general to act. He has to act, he has to act fast. He has to appoint someone, which is a big scam, which should have been known before the election. ”

Trump’s new demand, who Critics say Stand-up Republican, a non-profit government reform group, says he has done more than any other attorney general in history to defend his president’s political interests, showing how dangerous any allegiance to Trump can be.

“Attacking the Trump Bar should be a warning to every Republican: the compromises you make to your ethics and policies will never be enough,” the group tweeted. “One more compromise, one more demand, one more corruption he needs from you. Not ‘halfway’ with Trump.”

Eli Honic, a former federal lawyer, said Trump’s call to punish his political opponents was an abuse of power, which would be unthinkable under previous presidents.

“Imagine if George W. Bush had publicly summoned John Ashgraft in October 2004 to investigate and prosecute John Kerry’s children,” Honey tweeted, “or Barack Obama pressuring Eric Holder to file a lawsuit against Mitt Romney’s family in October 2012.

Barr was often seen as fulfilling Trump’s wishes – and was criticized for that. For example, he Played down The findings of Robert Mueller, the special adviser who investigated the relationship between Trump and Russia; Intervened Sentence To aides punished by Mல்லller; And ordered Inquiries FBI and Justice Department own investigations into Russian election interference beginning in 2016.

With just two weeks to go before Election Day on November 3, it is unlikely that Attorney General Trump will bid on this case and appoint a special attorney to go after Fiden. But even allowing “Trump fatigue” in a country that is used to violating the president’s political rules is startlingly demanding political revenge through Fox & Friends.

The Post does not allow other retailers to view items taken from laptops allegedly owned by Hunter Biden. But Democrats in Congress and Media reports The FBI has said it is investigating the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning Russia’s intelligence have been made more than once. Giuliani is known to be associated with at least one person considered by US agencies Property of Russian intelligence.

On Monday, John Radcliffe, a former Republican congressman who was installed by Trump as director of national intelligence, Fox insisted on business There is no indication that Post Stories arose from Russian misinformation. Trump told Fox & Friends on Tuesday: “Thank you John Radcliffe.”

Trump was scheduled to hold a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. He and Biden will meet at the final presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee on Thursday. The Debate Commission has set the lessons for the night, with Trump advising his team not to interfere like Pitton in the first match last month. But President Hunter is likely to bring in Biden and Ukraine.

Provoked by his Fox News friends, Trump called Biden’s claims that he did not know about his son’s business dealings a “disgrace.”

Biden called the Post stories “smear campaign.” On Tuesday, his campaign did not comment further.

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