LeBron, Serena and other stars of Nike champion 'Equality'

LeBron, Serena and other stars of Nike champion ‘Equality’

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Nike says it is time to defend equality in a new advertising campaign.

The company released a star-studded short film “Equality” on Sunday to commemorate Black History Month.

The ad features Nike-sponsored athletes Lebron James, Serena WilliamsKevin Durant, Gabby Douglas, among others, “amplified their voices in an effort to uplift, open their eyes, and put the positive values ​​that sport can represent into a broader focus,” the company said.

Actor Michael B. Jordan voices the film, and singer Alicia Keys performs a cover of Sam Cooke’s “A Change is Gonna Come.”

“Is this the story of the promised land?” Jordan says. “Here, within these lines, on this concrete court, this patch of grass, here, you are defined by your actions, not by your appearance or beliefs.”

Nike will feature campaign announcements on social media, billboards, and posters in every city in the United States and Canada. It will also sell “Equality” brand shirts and shoes as part of its annual Black History Month collection.

Nike athletes will wear campaign clothing over the NBA All-Star weekend.

Nike said it will donate $ 5 million this year to organizations like MENTOR and PeacePlayers, which says “promote equality in communities” across the country.

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Nike’s new campaign comes a week after numerous companies released inclusion and acceptance announcements during the Super Bowl.

Budweiser, 84 Wood, Coke (COKE), Airbnb, Kia and Tiffany (TIF) they were among the brands that present messages on immigration, equality and environmentalism.

– Ahiza García from CNNMoney contributed to this story.

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CNNMoney (New York) First published on February 12, 2017: 12:51 p.m. ET

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