Report de l’élection de la présidence du Comité technique spécialisé de la justice et des affaires juridiques de l

Election of AU Special Technical Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs postponed

The 8th Ministerial Meeting of the Special Technical Committee (STC) on Justice and Legal Affairs of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa on Sunday decided to postpone the nomination process for the chairmanship of the said committee to the next session.

Justice Minister Abdellatif Owabi eventually said that there was disagreement over the presidency of the CTS, in which Morocco is also a candidate, and that it had been agreed to postpone the candidacy while awaiting consensus. This is the 8th session.

The current structure of the CTS office is as follows: Presidency: North Africa (Vacancy), 1st Vice-President: Tanzania (East Africa), 2nd Vice-President: DRC (Central Africa), 3rd Vice-President: Zimbabwe (Southern Africa) ), Rapporteur: Gambia ( West Africa).

“This ministerial session examined many issues, but there is disagreement on an important file, namely the question of nationality and stateless persons and the representation of African regions at the level of the Bureau. At this point, Morocco has proposed three members from each region,” the minister said in a statement to reporters.

The 8th Ministerial Meeting of the STC considered the revised Rules of Procedure of the AU Ministerial Committee for African Candidates in the International Organization, the Draft Statute of the African Statistical Training Center (PANSTAT), and the Review of the Draft Statute of the Institution of the African Union. for Statistics (STATAFRIC), the African Humanitarian Organization Act, the draft legal frameworks for the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the “Draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on Specific Aspects of the Right to Nationality and the Eradication of Statelessness in Africa”.

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