Legislature approves new disruptions to coastal area

Legislature approves new disruptions to coastal area

They are limited and cannot concern themselves with areas that can be used for agriculture or animal husbandry.

The Legislature on Friday adopted new waivers from the “Offshore” Act to set up photovoltaic or hydrogen production facilities on barren land in the ocean, one of the bill’s measures to accelerate renewable energies. Adopted in first reading by 34 votes to 16, the article aims to respond to the lack of land that hinders the increase of photovoltaic capacities in France.

New setbacks are planned to allow the installation of solar energy or renewable hydrogen production facilities on wasteland, such as areas that have already been artificially modified, former quarries or former landfill. These encroachments remain limited, for example areas that can be used for agriculture or animal husbandry are not concerned.

With the concurrence of the Government, an amendment was adopted which set forth a specific disparagement for Guyana and Mayotte. The assembly also voted in favor of an article allowing the installation of solar power plants on the ground “Urban Planning in Suspension” In some hill towns it is not possible to do so today.

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