Versailles Hospital Targeted By Cyber ​​Attack, Patient Reception "Limited"

Versailles Hospital Targeted By Cyber ​​Attack, Patient Reception “Limited”

The Versailles Hospital Center located in Chesnay-Rocquourt (Yvelines) has been targeted since Saturday evening by a cyber attack disrupting its operation, the establishment’s management confirmed on Sunday, December 4. Information from France Info. Patient reception, therefore, “quantity”The hospital debriefed, shut down the computer system and opened the emergency department.

According to hospital management, the entire hospital center, including Andre-Mignot Hospital, has been targeted by the cyber attack, including all short-term and outpatient services.
Sam However not achieved and “set to react” Federal Health Minister François Brown explained on BFM-TV about the transfer: “Emergencies welcome patients, SAM will divert patients to other services until we can make a more accurate diagnosis.”.

“The reception is very limited (…) Those who are forced to go to the emergency room and those who live in the Versailles area, call 15”, after visiting the hospital, advised Jean-Noël Parrott, minister for digital transformation. From Saturday evening, there is “Already two patients have been transferred and we can imagine at least ten transfers to other hospitals in the Ile-de-France region in the coming days”Mr. Parrott added.

According to François Braun, there is a hospital “Put in data protection mode”. He said the attack was carried out “Early Detected”This made it possible “Employ all security measures”.

“Versailles prosecutor’s office displaces itself in favor of Paris prosecutor’s office”, which has opened an investigation, the Paris prosecutor’s office told Agence France-Presse, without specifying the crimes targeted. The prosecution said investigations were handed over to the Gendarmerie’s Center for Combating Digital Crime (C3N) and the Deputy Director for Combating Cybercrime (SDLC) of the Judicial Police.

Read the decryption: Cybercrime: The hospital, a privileged and controversial target for hackers

The Corbeil-Essonnes hospital was paralyzed for weeks

On August 22, the Sud Francilien (CHSF) hospital center in Carbeil-Essonnes, which provides healthcare to nearly 700,000 people living in the Parisian suburbs, was the target of a cyber attack that seriously affected its operations for several weeks. Its operations returned to normal in mid-October.

A ransom of $10 million was demanded following the attack, later reduced to $1 or $2 million. The hackers have set a September 23 deadline for the hospital to pay the ransom. After this time, they had Broadcast a sequence of confidential data on the dark web About patients, employees or stakeholders of the institution.

read more: The article is reserved for our subscribers After a major cyber attack and two months of shutdown, the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital is barely recovering

For months, hospitals and healthcare systems have been hit by cyberattacks by groups of hackers who have intercepted or exposed confidential information about their patients, putting equipment out of service.

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