Le conseil ne vaut que pour les multiprises avec interrupteur.

Energy Efficiency: Are Switched Power Strips More Economical?

The advice only applies to power strips with a switch.
The advice only applies to power strips with a switch. (© Martin LEDUC / Actu.fr )

The government hammered it home: We must Energy saving Wherever we want. To do this, the French were given several pointers during the presentation Energy Moderation Program.

One of them seems particularly accessible: connecting all your devices A power strip with a switch.

Significant financial savings

Let it be said now: the advice only applies to power strips equipped with a switch. Those without them are just power strips, and don’t let yourself be Turn off our standby devices.

Because back in the day before Wi-Fi boxes, charging vacuum cleaners, our phone chargers (which Electricity should be used regularly Eventually even without a phone) or TV.

“The total power of these clocks for a family often exceeds 50 watts, which means a cost of more than 80 € per year. Switching off the standbys allows us to make significant savings (up to 10% of our electricity bill!), but also helps to protect the equipment.Adam.

The switch’s LED uses, but…

As opposed to power strips with a switch, it’s natural to think that the small bulb on the switch uses electricity. This is true, “but it is very negligible as consumption”, Ademe, relates news.fr.
“Also, there are power strips that don’t have LED switches. They have an on/off button that doesn’t light up,” he asserts.

Cut everything at once

50 watts may not sound like much, but on a country scale, it could make a big difference in France’s ambition to save energy. Unpacking your devices when you don’t need them can be time-consuming.

Further, “Turning off the power strip switch is like turning off everything at once”Certified by Ademe, contact news.fr.

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