Echanges fructueux entre le Premier secrétaire de l’USFP et les représentantes des partis étrangers invités de l’OSFI

Effective exchanges between the First Secretary of USFP and representatives of foreign parties invited to OSFI

On the morning of Thursday, October 6, the First Secretary, at the party’s central headquarters, welcomed delegates from allied parties from Africa, Europe and Latin America participating in the VIII National Congress of Etihad Women..

In her welcome address, the First Secretary thanked the hosts for accepting the invitation of their sisters to participate in these national gatherings..

Then, the General Secretary noted the role played by the party in the development of the women’s issue, which has always been one of its priorities, while emphasizing that thanks to its struggles, Morocco has reached the current level of development.

On the other hand, the First Secretary addressed the issue of migration, which has become a central topic, especially since the region where Morocco is located is marked by instability. He stressed that Morocco has made great efforts to humanize the issue of migration, and for this a new path must be created with the participation of all, especially European and African countries..

The First Secretary also spoke about the party’s external relations, saying that the USFP plays an important role in international organizations such as the Socialist International and the Progressive Alliance, and that the party is keen to strengthen its ties with African parties and form new parties. Along with many countries of the continent and other parts of the world.

The meeting was attended by members of the Politburo and foreign participants such as Hala Ben Youssef of Tunisia’s Attagdol Party, Hana Moro of Spain’s Socialist Workers’ Party, Maria Augusta Leonel Correra of the People’s Movement for Liberation. Angola, Kidambala Leontine of the United Lumumbast Party of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Miguelina Vecchio of the Workers’ Party of Brazil, Yumaira Sarmiento Judith of the Workers’ Party of Colombia, Gilides Sotre of the Brazilian Socialist Party and Jocelyn Luzina of the United Luummbist Party of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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