Energy crisisEnergy saving: Friborg takes its own measures
The Friborg Council of State has decided to provide a budget of almost one million francs to lower the temperature in the canton’s offices and hire more staff to manage the energy situation.
“The state must be an example in terms of energy savings,” the Friborg State Council said on Wednesday. He announced new regional measures to deal with the energy crisis, thereby curbing the risk of shortages this winter. The enacted rules are particularly applicable to buildings housing state offices. Temperatures will now be limited to 19 degrees and hot water will be removed with some exceptions. The use of private heating devices is also prohibited. Finally, turn off standby devices, prohibit the use of elevators except for those with limited mobility, and complete the list.
As regards road traffic, lights on cantonal roads will be switched off or dimmed from 11:30 pm to 5:30 am. Canton recommends that municipalities introduce a similar measure in the municipal road network. However, if completed with a pedestrian detection system, pedestrian crossings will continue to be lit.
These recommendations are in some detail consistent with previous announcements Other regions And some big cities etc City of Freiburg.
Communicate better
To reduce the impact of such measures on the workload of personnel responsible for energy management in the region, the Council of State has decided to allocate 700,000 francs to strengthen its personnel. Eight temporary positions will be created between the Energy Service, the Building Service and Public Safety and the Military Affairs Service. Part of this amount will also be earmarked for communication work on energy-related themes aimed at the population and businesses.
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