South Sudan 'recognizes only UN member states'

South Sudan ‘recognizes only UN member states’

Maik Aye Teng, Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Sudan. CREDIT DR

In an official letter dated September 23, Sudanese diplomacy noted that communication with the Polisario delegation to the UN “does not in any case mean recognition of the government”, contradicting allegations so far made by the Algerian news agency APS. Polisario Channel SPS.

Republic of South Sudan “recognizes only member states of the United Nations”, South Sudan Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Mayiik Ayii Deng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Nationals Abroad, in an official letter to Nasser Bourita, distributed to New York on September 23.

“South Sudan, under the leadership of His Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayerdit, salutes His Majesty King Mohammed VI and reaffirms its commitment to further strengthen relations between the two countries to achieve the interests of our allies and peoples”, Added the same source.

Called by Nasser Burita to clarify his position on the Sahara issue following an interview by South Sudan officials with a Polisario representative on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations in New York, Juba’s power bothered Rabat to respond. Press release dated September 22, Playing on words and taking care not to explain his half-fig, half-grape posture further.

On September 23, the Sudanese diplomacy, in its official letter, mentions the contact with the Polisario delegation. “No state recognition of any kind”, Algerian press agency APS and the Polisario channel have contradicted the allegations made by SPS so far.

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