Psychology – Routine is as convenient as it is useful. But let no small change in our habits become a trial.
In our personal life or professional life, we all experience small or big changes, sometimes chosen, sometimes forced. So changes are nothing new…yet, few people can boast of facing them without any hintconcern. It is explained: for the brain, any change corresponds to new results, which costs in terms of time and energy. “The brain is not lazy, but frugal, requiring a real cognitive effort to change. Since an effort to the brain leads to a decrease in its attention capacity and therefore risk, fear and stress, it limits this process and tries to stay in the comfort zone of habits.Anne-Laure Nouvion, Doctor in Biology, Neuroscience Practitioner and Scientific Advisor for Human Behavior within the Universe-City of Environmental Transition (UTE) explains.
Regular No cognitive effort is actually required – no…