Description – Korean researchers looked at data from more than 4.5 million subscribers of Korean health insurance.
With due respect to lovers of wine, beer and other distilled nectars, it is now well established. Regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer (ENT, esophagus, colon, liver and breast, basically). It accounts for less than 8% of cancers in France, or 28,000 cancers per year. But do we know how rewarding our habits can be? To answer this relatively poorly understood question, Korean researchers looked at data from more than 4.5 million subscribers to Korean health insurance.
Three times, in 2009, 2011 and 2013, the latter filled out a questionnaire asking whether they drank alcohol as low (15 grams of pure alcohol or approximately one and a half drinks per day), moderate (15 to 30 grams) or heavy (over 30 grams). The researchers compared these results with 80,000 alcohol-related cancers recorded during this period. It shows that individuals drink…