I. Haniye warns Israel: More criticizes default wind ...

I. Haniye warns Israel: More criticizes default wind …

Speaking at a conference on the liberation of the al-Aqsa Mosque in Lebanon on Sunday, I. Haniyeh, head of Hamas’s political bureau, assured that despite years of land, air and sea blockades, they would face residents and opposition. Groups in the Gaza Strip were able to launch a massive operationSword of al-Quds Against Israel. A senior Hamas official recalled these facts “Those who do not believe in the liberation of al-Aqsa and normalize their relations with the Israeli regime.”

According to him, “Operation Sword of Al-Quds is a strategic development in the conflict with the heavily armed Zionist enemy, which is the target of missile strikes by Assad’s al-Qassam forces in the Gaza Strip.” I. Haniyeh emphasized that al-Quds was the first qibla of Muslims and that its publication marked the beginning of a revolution and its subsequent victories. He warned that 150 missiles would destroy the Zionist regime within five minutes. It should be noted that the Palestinian opposition has recovered from the conspiracy over the years and has raised its flag even in Gene. “Zionists and immigrants have no place in al-Aqsa Mosque”, He promised that the Zionist dream would be shattered.

The Hamas leader warned of actionSword of al-Quds He further added that the years-long pressure on al-Quds and the West Bank to suppress the Palestinian opposition and seize his land would be ineffective only after the complete liberation of Palestine. By imposing forced settlement on him.

Referring to Lebanon’s sympathy for Palestine for 74 years. Haniyeh said that today we see the liberation of al-Aqsa Mosque and that progress shows that the Palestinian state is on the verge of victory. Earlier on Saturday, a Hamas official welcomed the holding of such meetings challenging US and Zionist supremacy at the National Islamic Conference in Lebanon.

He strongly condemned the normalization of relations with the Israeli regime and warned that the move would harm the Palestinians and the countries that have chosen this path.

He explains that the military alliances against Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas coordinate the normalization of Zionist rule in the region.

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