High school math can be useful in life, we can prove it

High school math can be useful in life, we can prove it

This article has been published in conjunction with QuoraA site where web users can ask questions and others, where experts can answer them.

The Question of the day: “Is there an example from your life that shows high school math is useful?”

The answer to Hadrian Knight:

The Mathematics High school is used to understanding higher education mathematics. Higher education math allows you to:

  • Get actively involved in environmental change: WindSolar, nuclear, new products, new batteries, smart watches …
  • Engage actively in the search for knowledge about nature or communities: biology, science ClimateChemical physics …
  • Engage in luxurious and material pleasures of life with size finance: big apartment, nice car, wristwatch, comfortable trips and Hotels Amazing …
  • Be actively involved in creating your dream Science fiction: Sites for computational and quantum communications, technologies for interplanetary travel, bio-engineering for combating aging, e.g.
  • Be actively involved in the transformation of society: census methods, statistical models, modeling of complex economies, decision making support, communication ethics guarantee Intimate lifeTechnologies that give women, people with disabilities more freedom …

In fact, it is all very relevant. The more you learn math, the more tools you need to think about Natural And the world around us, representing relationships as criteria, measuring the quality of your observations, making predictions and measuring their reliability.

Unfortunately, college math is not really good enough. Problems we face (physics, biology, PhilosophyIn any kind of engineering, and in general, in life), if they admit a good mathematical representation (which is not always the case), it includes concepts not taught in college (such as deep statistics, general and linear algebra, different and different geometry, complex and network theory).

But be sure: do you want to be super rich in your corner or do you want to give Birth Brief ideas for pure intellectual pleasure, or doing super-concrete things for “collective benefit” that are useful in the most immediate way, or again, go crazy, all at once, learning and understanding the high school math that closes you.

And to say so is almost a understatement.

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