Américaine d

He is of American descent and manufactures anti-hair products in Orleans

A brand new cosmetics Born in the territory of the Cosmetic Valley. Jennine Wilson, an MIT engineer of American descent, has set up her small laboratory in the Arkansas district of Orleans. DepilatoCosmetics, on the other hand, is headquartered in Paris.

Since April, it has been marketing its first products On its website, Then, she trusts with non-obligatory and reference distributors. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.

Before or after waxing or shaving

Valid for both men and women, She wants to be dry. Anti-ingrown hair lotion (29.99 euros), should be used on any part of the body before and after shaving or hair removal.

It allows the skin to loosen, peel and consolidate, he says. Thus avoiding the occurrence of small pimples, spots and irritations.

In his personalized industrial machine, he also manufactures clean brand antibiotics, hydroalcoholic gels and disinfectants.
And the velvety range should be slightly expanded, especially with shower gel, body milk or anti-regrowth deodorant.

LVMH Cosmetic Up Incubator

Before opening his own lab, the designer set up his company in the Paris region in 2014, then graduated with Cosmet’up in 2016 and 2017. LVMH Research IncubatorIn Saint-Jean-de-Braye.

before that, Love on French cultureHe left the United States and settled in Paris, where he opened the Espace bien-ĂȘtre spa.

For now, Jennine Wilson, without an employee or partner, is left alone to oversee the production (she may subcontract products from other cosmetic designers), social networks, product purchasing, business … “We’ll see how this develops. I like to move slowly, but Of course! “

Carol Tripout

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