With cities already plagued by light pollution, astronomers now have to deal with dozens of U.S. satellites sent into Earth orbit. Broadband sacrifices spatial monitoring
We are not telling you anything by saying that Lot has one of the most beautiful skies in France or even Europe. Guerrero’s famous black triangle – named after this place, where at the heart of the cause, there is no light pollution, making it clear to see the starry sky – is the pride of night dwellers. The nose reveals all its wonders towards this blue vault. Astronomical enthusiasts, more or less amateurs alike, dare to stare at the tip of the telescope as soon as the opportunity arises.
This is especially true for members of the Zygazak Astronomical Club north of Kahors. Last Friday, the club organized an open sky observation session for the public. In the program: Discovery of stars, galaxies and scenes. Except the evening was marked by an unusual appearance
Collection of satellites
Union secretary Bernard Tayloris says: “Suddenly sixty white dots appeared, forming a column, and we saw them crossing the night sky. , Is developing a program to provide Internet access via satellite.
Ambition? Can connect anywhere in the world. To this end, the world’s richest man plans to send thousands of satellites into Earth’s orbit, “not bigger than a washing machine,” says Bernard Tayloris. An intelligent presence that will greatly annoy the attentive space audience.
“I’m thinking about professional astronomers, it must be complicated.”
“It destroys our observations and our photographs,” murmurs the secretary of Kikosak’s astronomical club, however, he adds: “Still, we are only amateurs, enthusiasts. I think professional astronomers, it must be complicated for them.”
The situation is not going to improve. New exports are allowed over our heads every year.
The second pollution lead
The origin of these parasitic satellites is not the first problem for observers of the universe. For decades, astronomers have been fighting against light pollution emanating from cities. The Black Triangle of Guerrero is surrounded by several large cities such as Figueroa, Cahors, Prive and Montauban. Enough to create a very noticeable halo during observations.
“We try to create as much community awareness as possible. The Casas de Querci Regional Nature Park is very mobilized in this regard,” says Bernard Tayloris, noting that there are star villages. “Light pollution not only bothers astronomers. It also disturbs nocturnal animals and plants. Some insects no longer participate in pollination, but are attracted to lights,” he laments.
A struggle is waged at both ends to observe the Black Triangle and its 5,000 stars every night.