Brussels is targeting 100 neutral cities by 2030

Brussels is targeting 100 neutral cities by 2030

The European Commission (EC) on Thursday announced that 100 cities will participate in the EU’s mission to transform cities into climate-neutral and smart by 2030.

100 cities are located in all 27 member countries, and 12 cities are located in or affiliated with the European Union’s Research and Innovation Program (2021-2027) Horizon Europe.

“Climate change is currently making its way across Europe, but there is always a need for pioneers to set even higher goals. These cities are showing us the way to a healthier future,” said Ursula van der Leyen, the European’s chief executive.

According to the EC, 75% of urban areas are EU citizens. Worldwide, urban areas use more than 65% of the energy produced, accounting for more than 70% of CO2 emissions. Therefore, these cities must “act as ecosystems of experimentation and innovation to help everyone else become climate neutral by 2050”.

Selected cities will receive € 360 million in funding under Horizon Europe from 2022-23 and will launch innovative paths towards climate neutrality by 2030. Research and innovation will focus on clean movement, energy efficiency and green urban planning. Provides the opportunity to strengthen joint ventures and joint ventures with other EU projects.

Cities will benefit, among other benefits, through a dedicated task implementation platform managed by NetZeroCities, with additional funding solutions and the ability to integrate with key innovation processes and pilot projects. This work also provides support for networking, exchanging good practices between cities and engaging citizens.

The Commission has invited 100 selected cities to develop climate city contracts, which include a comprehensive plan for climate neutrality in all sectors, including energy, buildings, waste management and transportation, as well as project-related investment. This process will involve citizens, research institutes and the private sector. The clear and explicit commitments made by cities to the framework of climate city agreements will enable them to reach this ambitious goal by interacting with European, national and regional authorities and, above all, their own citizens.


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