Twitter bans climate-suspicious ads

Twitter bans climate-suspicious ads

Twitter will use data from the IPCC, the UN climate expert, to prevent ads from undermining efforts to protect the environment.

Twitter announced on Friday – April 22, “Earth Day” – false ads Climate change Efforts to protect the environment will no longer be prohibited, let alone undermined.

This decision has been taken by those who accuse it of censorship and criticize it for its depreciation, as moderation of the content of the site has been severely criticized on the left and right. “We hope that climate skepticism should not be used to generate revenue on Twitter and that misleading advertisements should not distract from important conversations about the climate crisis.”, Explained the social network in a press release. Those ads “Contrary to scientific consensus” Will no longer pass the course.

To mediate, Twitter will use this IPCC data, UN Climate Experts. In early April, the official organization released new reports showing that humans “Undoubtedly” Responsible for global warming, which has increased by about + 1.1 C since pre-industrial times. By 2030 it should reach + 1.5 ° C or + 1.6 C, ten years earlier than previously estimated, with catastrophic consequences.

‘Undermining Efforts to Protect the Earth’

Major sites are constantly accused of not handling misinformation adequately, especially on important topics, from politics to climate, with real-life impacts being dramatic. “We recognize that misinformation about climate change could undermine efforts to protect the planet.”, Twitter added. YouTube (Google) has taken similar steps towards the end of 2021, while Facebook (meta) wants to highlight undeniable scientific facts through an area dedicated to the environment.

On Thursday, former US President Barack Obama called for more restrictions on social media, saying the problem at the center of misinformation was minimal. “What people post” Than “the content that these sites promote”. Elon Musk, the leader of Tesla, gave an emotional speech on the subject while trying. Buy Twitter to make it a private company (Not listed on the Stock Exchange). The world’s richest man, who loves provocations, jokes and teasing, believes that the network of tweets restricts freedom of expression. He promised to control the less strict and explicit content if he got his way.

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