Coalition 34-12 condemns future areas for the installation of wind turbines south of Avoron.

Coalition 34-12 condemns future areas for the installation of wind turbines south of Avoron.

Pre-wind plans in South Auron and mobilization already against it.

Although Dreal Occitanie has not yet formalized the map of areas favorable to industrial coastal wind, the documented associations are already advancing to the plate. This is a joint case for the conservation of landscapes and biodiversity 34-12. Based on Lodève, it unites 65 associations from Nord-Hérault and Sud-Aveyron.

“Government intends to identify new areas favorable to the establishment and assist the department”One of the spokespersons, Marjolin Ville-Micraine, explains with Gerard Maureen and Eric de Belder. “We are also part of the oxidani environment of all our energies and were invited to a preparatory meeting on December 9 in the province of Montpellier, with the LPO, local select authorities, regional nature parks and‘ state ’services.Add joint members. “We do not take into account the barriers and issues that have made it possible to cancel certain favorable zones.” The same is true in Lodévois and Larzac, which are directly affected by the Ecandorgue projects, against which the Joint and Association Vigilance Phaser and Natural Heritage have been fighting for years, in the municipalities of Jெல்nsells and Lunas (Bernacus), R.D. 142. The forthcoming Provisional Map, subject to public consultation, is planned to extend the area to the other side of the Departmental Road, on the Lodivoise side, to Olmet-Lavallett and Chamont to Les Plains and Rogradont. Le Bosc Department. “In addition to the environmental and landscape aspect, this is purely technical nonsense. We have an inconsistent, uncontrollable source that causes problems for the EDF regulator.”Gérard Maurin adds. “There are other renewable energies, such as geothermal energy.” Beyond the imbalances, the federation does not like the machines in Lodivoise and Larsak and is demanding a ban on industrial wind power. “Hérault is already Oxydani’s 2nd division with Aveyron, in terms of equipment and wind power”Marjolaine Villey-Migraine insists. “Elsewhere, on industrial sites, there may be settlements far away from homes, which have a limited impact and unfortunately do not erode the landscape in Eskondork.”

At Following the map of favorable areas, the 34-12 group should be invited to participate in the upcoming consultative meeting after the election.

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