THE PRESIDENT: Tradition and interests of the 12 candidates released

THE PRESIDENT: Tradition and interests of the 12 candidates released

About half a million euros for Emmanuel Macron, about 1.2 million for Marine Le Pen, 4.2 for Eric Gemmer and 9.7 for Valerie Beckress: Notices about the assets and participation of the candidates for Elysee were released on Tuesday for top recognition. Transparency of public life.

Announcements about these assets and interests are available on the HATVP website.

Real estate, assets over 10,000 euros, cars, bank accounts, but participation in companies’ capital, potential loans and more professional activities in the last five years: each of the 12 candidates must fill out these sections and submit their declarations. , Certified on the basis of honor to the Constituent Assembly before last Friday evening. With 500 sponsorships, one of the conditions is to be able to compete in the first round on April 10th.

This is not the first time the assets of presidential candidates have been released, the first such move since 2017. But this is the first time that notices have been collected and published about their interests and activities under the Public Discipline Act. Life of 2017.

The elders sent these notices to HATVP, who are responsible for publishing them (excluding personal addresses and spouses’ names) but not for verification so as not to “undermine equality in the face of voting”.

However, 10 of the 12 candidates are already under the control of higher authorities, an independent body created by the post-Kahusak transparency laws of 2013 and led by Didier Mikot.

Emmanuel Macron has already submitted a statement of financial position at the end of his term, and HATVP has ruled that its variation is “not unusual” since he entered the Elysee Palace in 2017.

In addition, representatives of Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, especially Yannick Jadot, a MEP, Valérie Pécresse and Anne Hidalgo, served as regional presidents.

Property declarations by Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud were released in 2017 because they were already candidates.

All of these documents will be online on the HATVP website until the first round results come out, after which only the announcements of the two finalists will appear. The winner’s notice will be for consultation until the end of his term.

Until 2012, property details of candidates were submitted to the Constitutional Council under the seal, but only published in the official journal of the elected candidate.

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