Summit on "Rediscovering EU-Africa Relations"  Africa |  DW

Summit on “Rediscovering EU-Africa Relations” Africa | DW

On the first day of the AU-EU summit, the announcement of the withdrawal of French troops from Mali did not go unnoticed. European and African leaders kicked off the summit in Brussels with the aim of tackling common challenges.
After a brief meeting of twenty-seven people dedicated to tensions around Ukraine, 40 of the 55-member leaders of the African Union (AU) met with their EU counterparts to define a new alliance based on “exchange and sharing”.
A general declaration will be adopted during the summit and it will be attached to the list of definitive plans.

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Following the announcement of the French decision to leave Mali, the EU wants to verify that the conditions and guarantees for the maintenance of its two military training missions (EUTM) and the police (EUCAP) are being met “within a few days”. Joseph Borel, President of European Diplomacy.

The instability of the African continent is being triggered by “new actors” Chinese and Russians, who underline that “their methods and agendas are very different from ours”.
The fight against the Covid 19 epidemic is another priority. Only 11% of the population of the African continent is fully vaccinated.
The European Union has donated 150 million vaccines to Africa and will continue this effort. It will also help establish vaccine production centers in Senegal, Rwanda, Ghana and South Africa.
Europeans want to reconsider their financial support: A global investment strategy of ில்லியன் 150 billion over seven years is planned to “help Africans with the necessary and implementing plans to transform their economies”. Climate and energy are considered priorities.

Also read: Glasgow: What is the impact on Congo forests?

Wendy Bashi attended the opening of the summit for DW. Click on the photo above to hear his details.

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