Australia to pay "historic" compensation to sexual harassment victims

Australia to pay “historic” compensation to sexual harassment victims

Government Australian #13 Supreme Court’s former top magistrate agreed to pay “a historic sum” to three accused women;
Sexual harassment, Lawyers for the victims said Monday.

Rachael Patterson Collins, Chelsea tabard and Alex egerking were serving as partners in Australia’s highest court, where they were allegedly sexually harassed by the then-president of that court, Tyson Heydon. For someone Investigation It concluded that their complaints against Heydon and the complaints of three other women who worked at the tribunal were well established.

Attorney General Michaelia Cash said the government ” has taken these complaints very seriously. The contracts we have completed go in this direction”. She also praised the courage of the women who came forward.

The amount remains secret

While financial compensation is provided by the public fund, the amount paid by the government remains confidential. Meanwhile, the magistrate rejected “any allegations” of engaging in “predatory behaviour”or breaking the law.

In June 2020, the Supreme Court apologized to these six women, and Susan Kiefel, the highest magistrate of this court, told this court that “we are ashamed that this could have happened.”

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