The properties of the magnetic SGR 1830−0645 were examined with NICER

The properties of the magnetic SGR 1830−0645 were examined with NICER

The properties of the magnetic SGR 1830−0645 were examined with NICER

The average pulse rate of SGR 1830−0645 (gray) is 0.8–7 keV in the energy range, using all the X-ray observations reported on the paper. The black profile represents the graph of the folded burst phase using spin parameters. Credit: Younes et al., 2022.

Using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) and other observation facilities at the International Space Station, a team of international astronomers explored a magnet called SGR 1830−0645. The results of a study published on arXiv Pre-Print Server on January 14 provide essential information regarding the properties of this source.

Are magnets Neutron stars With much Strong magnetic fields, Quadrillion times stronger than our planet’s magnetic field. The decay of magnetic fields in magnetic fields emits high energy electromagnetic radiation, for example, in the form of X-rays or radio waves.

SGR 1830−0645 was first detected on October 10, 2020, when NASA’s Swift spacecraft’s First Alert Telescope (BAT) recorded a short, gentle gamma-ray burst from the direction of the galaxy. Subsequent observations of the eruption by Swift’s X-ray Telescope (XRT) revealed a bright, previously unknown X-ray source, later named SGR 1830−0645.

Further monitoring of this source revealed pulses consistent with a Spiral period At 10.4 seconds, the spin-down rate was approximately 0.09 pHz / s, with flux decay and several short X-ray bursts detected. These results confirmed that SGR 1830−0645 was newly discovered Magnet.

To further illuminate the properties of SGR 1830−0645, a team of astronomers led by George Younes of George Washington University in Washington DC, NICER, explored this source using NASA’s Chandra X – ray spacecraft and several radio facilities.

“We report on NICER X-ray monitoring of the SGR 1830−0645 magnet and lunar and radio observations covering 223 days following the eruption of October 2020,” the panel wrote in the paper.

The Surveillance campaign Allows researchers to monitor X-ray spectroscopy and temporal evolution of SGR 1830−0645 in detail. The pulse profile of this magnet at the beginning of the eruption shows a complex morphology, revealing three clear peaks. Observations indicate that by the 21st day after the eruption, the profile had been simplified to a wider single peak.

The researchers found that the rotational frequency of SGR 1830−0645 was approximately 0.096 Hz, while its spin-down rate was measured at 0.062 pHz / s. These results suggest that the equator has a bipolar field strength of 270 trillion G, a vortex age of about 24,400 years, and a luminosity of 0.24 decile ERG / V.

Observation of SGR 1830−0645 also revealed 84 regular short magnetic bursts averaging 30 milliseconds. They occur very close to the surface emission pulse, which, according to the authors of the paper, indicate the lowest elevation for the emission emission area, and a stimulus mechanism attached to the surface active zone.

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More info:
G. Younes et al., Continuous emission properties of X-ray first and magnetic SGR 1830-0645. arXiv: 2201.05504v1 [astro-ph.HE],

© 2022 Science X Network

Quote: Characteristics of Magnetic SGR 1830−0645 studied with NICER (January 24, 2022) Retrieved January 24, 2022 from

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