The city is suddenly locked, and a woman is trapped in the home of a foreign man after a blind date

The city is suddenly locked, and a woman is trapped in the home of a foreign man after a blind date

ZHENGZHOU, – A woman China As the town was closed, he revealed that he had been trapped in the house of his blind partner for a week. Covit-19 Restrictions China.

The woman, identified only by her surname Wang, was having dinner at her blind date home when parts of the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou were suddenly activated. Disabling Last Wednesday (12/1/2022).

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But in a video posted on the Chinese social media site WeChat last week, it seems that love between the couple has not grown.

According to local media reports, Wang described his partner as “dumb like a tree mannequin”.

Wang told the store Sheet Based in Shanghai, he went on a week-long trip to Zhengzhou to see potential matches during the city. Disabling Due to Covid 19.

“As soon as I got to Zhengzhou, there was an explosion and the community was locked up and I could not leave,” he said.

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Wang’s family introduced him to “ten fiancs,” and Blind date All five of them wanted to “show off their culinary skills for her”.

As a result, Wang is invited to dinner at his blind couple’s house, where they are suddenly trapped. Disabling.

Since then, Wang has been sharing videos documenting his daily life Disabling On a date with a foreign man. The man had cooked a meal for her, which was described as ‘normal’.

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According to clips released by local media, his blind date, whose identity is unknown, he was doing housework and working on his laptop, while Wang fell asleep during the lockout.

It seems that love has not grown for this couple. Wang said he was looking for a partner who would talk a lot, but described the foreign man he was with as “dumb like a wooden manic”.

“Everything else (about him) is so good, except that he’s dumb like a wooden manicure,” he said. Sheet.

“Even though the food is normal, he’s still ready to cook. I think it’s good.”

This short video spread fast on Chinese social websites. But Wang said the increase in their popularity prompted the removal of the video “for now”.

“Friends call him, I think it’s really affecting his life, so I deleted it,” he said in a video released Tuesday, which was widely reposted in the local Chinese media.

“Thank you all for your concern … I hope this epidemic ends soon, and my single sister will find a connection soon.”

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It is not yet clear whether he is still trapped in the house of his date, according to reports Daily Mail On Wednesday (12/1/2022).

More than 100 Kovit cases have been reported in Zhengzhou since last week as China struggled to control several local eruptions of the Delta and Omigran types.

Many cities in the central province of Henan are located near Xi’an, responding to hundreds of new infections since late December.

The provincial capital, Zhengzhou, has imposed a partial lockdown, ordering the closure of schools and non-essential businesses.

A large-scale Covit-19 test has been launched to test nearly 13 million residents of the city for asymptomatic carriers of the Covit-19 virus.

As of Wednesday (12/1/2022) 87 new local cases have been reported in Henan, and it is not clear how many of these are cases of the Omigron variant.

With just a few weeks to go before the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese officials are on high alert about the spread of the cove in major cities.

A total of 20 million people have been locked up in their homes in China, and after the cities of Anyang and Yusho joined another 13 million people in Xi’an, they have been isolated and banned from even leaving their homes to buy food.

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